Example sentences of "have hardly changed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although there has been some shift in the 1980s to the political right in the United States and West Germany , the socialist share of the vote has hardly changed over the two decades in Austria , Scandinavia , West Germany , and Italy .
2 The proportion of old people living in cold homes has hardly changed over the last 20 years despite improvements in living conditions , a report shows .
3 The top 15 has hardly changed since last season .
4 Reached through winding landscapes bathed in delicate hues reminiscent of a Perugino painting , Città della Pieve was Perugino 's birthplace and has hardly changed since renaissance times .
5 Gerry , at Sony for three years , puts down the success to the close-knit staff which has hardly changed since then , including .
6 Since 1589 , this house has hardly changed at all .
7 And yet the process that produces that hoppy , hearty , malty , mellow flavour , that dark ruby gleam and smooth rich creamy head has hardly changed at all since Arthur rolled up his sleeves to mash his first brew .
8 By car you can explore an unspoilt region of stunning mountain scenery , fresh orchards and attractive little villages where everyday life has hardly changed in years and still revolves around the old church square .
9 Police may get new-style baton THE police may soon be issued with new-style batons to replace the old truncheon which has hardly changed in 150 years .
10 HOME Secretary Michael Howard was today seeing a demonstration of new types of police baton , one of which may replace the truncheon that has hardly changed in 150 years .
11 She 'd hardly changed at all .
12 Ashi had met him during the height of the oil boom , when the late Shah was pouring the country 's new-found wealth into creating an entire new infrastructure for a land that had hardly changed since biblical times .
13 Not only that , the living form had hardly changed from its Silurian predecessor ( see p. 77 ) .
14 Tusser called it the goef , and we can be sure that , like the word , the design of the barn itself and the work that went on in it had hardly changed from the sixteenth century to within living memory .
15 Artisans ' nominal earnings , which had hardly changed from the 1720s to the 1790s , then experienced a series of sharp increases .
16 In sixty years the school had hardly changed in outward appearance ; what was profoundly different was the relationship of headmaster and boys .
17 You 've hardly changed at all . ’
18 The Religious Society of Friends keep their ceremonies as simple as possible , in fact they have hardly changed since the 17th century .
19 But quality teas , the best grade , have hardly changed at around 200p a kilogramme .
20 Fortunately , while traditional values have hardly changed at the dinner table , cooker design has .
21 The motivation has n't changed — the equipment has changed , some of the pressures have changed , the emphases have changed , but the actual essential personalities have hardly changed at all .
22 In addition to the Pahlavi rugs , Persia produces workshop items in styles that have evolved from those made during the Qajar dynasty ( which ended in the 19th century ) , and there are also numerous village and nomadic groups who , allowing for some minor modifications to the market , still make rugs that have hardly changed for generations .
23 Certainly , the essential characteristics and overall appearance of Turkoman rugs have hardly changed for centuries .
24 Now the Marais Poitevin is a pleasantly low-profile tourist attraction where you can take canal-boat trips from villages that have hardly changed in the 15-odd years I 've known them : Maillezais , with a huge and rather dull ruined abbey , and Coulon , where I first ate the delicious local version of moules marinieres called mouclade .
25 Gas hotplates on ordinary cookers have hardly changed in decades but there is nothing ordinary about the new Discovery .
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