Example sentences of "[interj] [pers pn] used [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I used to pay a year from when you from when you first started paying but
2 school holidays we only used to get a month they get about six weeks now I think but no we used to get a month 's holiday then .
3 Oh she used to make a lot of the clothes .
4 but , we , oh we used to sell a lot of floor standard
5 Oh we used to get a lot of them .
6 Oh we used to hole underneath the coal and er and then er Oh oh we used to have a ringer That was a long steel ringer that you could put behind the slines in the slines and lever the coal off you see ?
7 Oh yes we used to get the job of sewing up the wee cushions .
8 Yeah I used to play a lot of football when I was a young guy like you
9 Yeah we used to leave the door open , she 'd come in and out again and then she would
10 Yeah we used to shake a bit of sawdust on and then scrape it , you see , cos the sawdust picked the blood up , you see , clean .
11 Erm Yeah they used to have a lot of trouble in submarines and things as they had problems with their batteries flooding and then they start to electrolyzing the sodium chloride , the salt the sea water , and getting chlorine given off .
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