Example sentences of "['s] claim [prep] [noun sg] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , he confirmed that Argentina 's claim to sovereignty over the Falklands , set to one side during the negotiations , would continue to be pursued in international forums .
2 Throughout the remainder of the 1530s , royal propagandists were systematically employed to justify and publicize Henry 's claim to supremacy over the English church .
3 It concerned Canterbury 's claim to primacy over the whole of the British Isles .
4 The question which remains to be solved is : were these phrases added to existing documents in 1070–72 to support Lanfranc 's claim to primacy over the whole area of the British Isles , or were they added as a last resort in 1120 , when the claim which Lanfranc , Anselm and Archbishop Ralph had all supported was facing final and irrevocable defeat ?
5 The GSLP , which was traditionally strongly opposed to Spain 's claim of sovereignty over the territory , had campaigned on a platform calling for greater autonomy from the United Kingdom , particularly in the economic sphere .
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