Example sentences of "['s] series of [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Teresa Gisbert produces evidence to show that Diego Quispe Tito 's series of paintings of the zodiac for the Cathedral of Cuzco was commissioned in order to counteract the traditional indigenous worship of the stars and were intended to aid in Christianising the Indians of the Andes .
2 INDIAN police surrounded a housing estate in a Bombay suburb yesterday to flush out two gunmen wanted for last Friday 's series of bombings in the city in which at least 250 people died .
3 Leary 's series of soundbites for the channel led to a massed A&R scramble for his signature — Def American , home of Andrew Dice Clay , was one of those who missed out .
4 Between a Pumpkin and a Stone , Oded Shimshon 's series of images of a still life scene photographed in changing light conditions ( 6 Mar–7 Apr . ) .
5 the ultimate BRANDY SNAP GHI 's series of recipes for the ultimate temptation
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