Example sentences of "a par with the " in BNC.

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1 My opinion has always been that fishermen , at least those who fish to catch and return , are on a par with the hunting fraternity .
2 To my mind the Luo are on a par with the Welsh because everyone sings .
3 But assuming Collor 's Brazil makes it into the ranks of the developed world , it will do so at the lowest level of eligibility , on a par with the East European countries .
4 Bangkok has a doctor for every 722 people ; Roi Et can produce one for every 23,681 people , on a par with the Central African Republic .
5 Although the unemployment rate at 9.2 p.c. is , for the first time , on a par with the average in Britain , no serious observer expects it to remain so once the economy as a whole picks up .
6 Home to gridiron team Orlando Thunder , who play in the World League , it is not on a par with the Joe Robbie stadium in Miami — their bid failed because of the clash with the baseball season — but it is huge and comfortable .
7 It provides a certainty that God exists which is on a par with the sort of certainty we claim from our sense-experience .
8 It would seem to be on a par with the famous ‘ Let them eat cake ’ attributed to Marie Antoinette .
9 In hotter climates the Sussex has demonstrated several advantages : it has a smooth coat , and twice as many sweat glands as other European breeds ( in this respect it is on a par with the Africander ) and has been able to adapt well to the heat .
10 Much as I regard them as a social nuisance on a par with the Orange Walk and invented by the devil to prevent churchgoers getting to church on time , I can not claim that marathons have ( yet ) been proved to kill enough people to justify banning them .
11 In the nineteenth century the wines of Pierry were considered on a par with the best wines of Aÿ .
12 For left-liberal ideas , that would guarantee a future of comic irrelevance , on a par with the doctrinal wrangles of the Church of England .
13 In pharmaceuticals , its R&D spending is about 15% of sales , on a par with the industry average .
14 The ‘ playfulness ’ of arranging sticks and shells in the desert sand is on a par with the fun of trying out new gadgets and recipes in a modern Western kitchen .
15 It was on a par with the rest of their good fortune that night — save the missing of Balliol himself — for nothing could more assist their project than to drive hosts of panic-stricken and riderless horses before them through the sleeping camp .
16 Performance was considered an improvement over the Southampton , and on a par with the three-engined Southampton Mk X , but because of several structural faults the Severn did not enter production .
17 It is much more to do with the image within the hair and from a grooming point of view , the hair should be on a par with the clothes .
18 He notes that ‘ men are hardly to be brought to think that sweetness and whiteness are not really in manna ’ , but this does not lead him to question his declared view that sweetness and whiteness are on a par with the ‘ ideas of sickness and pain' , ideas which ‘ are not in the manna , but effects of its operations on us , and are nowhere when we feel them not ’ .
19 That was the best way to find out how good you were at your job , whether you could regard yourself as being on a par with the best — or still had a lot to learn .
20 He also commented that Spain 's integration into Europe was unthinkable until the country had a telecommunications network on a par with the networks existing in the rest of the European Community countries .
21 Becht confidently predicts 800,000 visitors for the exhibition , which would put it on a par with the van Gogh exhibition and such heavily marketed block-busters as ‘ The Celts ’ at the Palazzo Grassi , Venice .
22 By that reckoning the provos must be on a par with the boy scouts or the girl guides !
23 Section 7(5) of the act should be strengthened to put the hospital managers on a par with the local social services authority .
24 ‘ The Europeans are on a par with the Americans in terms of technique . ’
25 Although she put them firmly into the category of ‘ workers ’ , rather than ‘ idlers ’ , and therefore to be praised , they were not quite on a par with the Welsh factory workers , or designers ; nonetheless they stood on a higher plane than accountants , clerks or corporate planners .
26 In many cases they are now wider in scope than the function which gave them birth ; in others they are at least on a par with the sales function .
27 Nevertheless , the problem involved in finding painted pebbles among the millions of beach pebbles is on a par with the fabled needle and haystack problem .
28 He treated all human relations of any depth on a par with the confessional .
29 The delivered price was described as being on a par with the official f.o.b. price , in other words , the Iranians were discounting by the entire freight element .
30 But , because the scope for personal development within Sainsbury 's is on a par with the very best , the risk factor comes nowhere close to cancelling out the enormous and lasting advantages .
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