Example sentences of "a reminder that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 For the people of the territories it was a reminder that Jordan , Egypt and Syria were all more concerned with their own national and regional priorities than with the recovery of Palestine .
2 The Inland Revenue has issued a reminder that UK resident trainees may deduct basic rate tax of 25% from fees paid for study , examination or assessment , excluding the cost of books and equipment .
3 The scheme has been in place since April : however , to coincide with the start of the new academic year , the Inland Revenue has issued a reminder that UK resident trainees may deduct basic rate tax of 25% from fees paid for study , examination , or assessment excluding the cost of books and equipment .
4 THERE was a reminder that Gwynedd , and particularly Caernarfon , had a film industry long before the present upsurge in media activity started in the county , at a ceremony yesterday in one of the area 's best known media features .
5 His saddle-cloth bore the British royal cipher , a reminder that England 's King was also Hanover 's monarch .
6 Just a reminder that Steve Bull had given Wolves a three nil lead after just twenty four minutes .
7 A reminder that Pat Palmer will be out of the country from 3rd July — 24th August .
8 Along with the good humour , it is a reminder that Young 's personality , like his music , is prone to abrupt changes of mood and temperament .
9 The presence of tattoo shops , ‘ topless ’ discothèques which offered dancing and music almost twenty-four hours a day were a reminder that Copenhagen was an active and important port , yet the overall effect was charming and romantic as flowers spilled out of window-boxes and the cafés and restaurants vied with each other to attract custom by the quality of their food and their individual décor .
10 Below are the linked toy basins of the old fishing port , so small they are almost lost in the rocks , and a reminder that Biarritz was not always so big and so prosperous as it is now .
11 What happens next is a reminder that God is the Ruler .
12 AND for those to whom chocolate and many other foods are anathema , here is a reminder that Berrydales Special Food News spring edition is out now .
13 It is a reminder that Chaucer and Langland do not give us the total picture .
14 Hollywood hoped that it would use immigrant directors for its own purposes but whatever the frustrations experienced by these foreigners the mere fact that they were working in the American film industry is a reminder that Hollywood was never as monolithic and stereotyped as its critics implied .
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