Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] are able [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The waste is a small perquisite that hath been granted us for several hundred years past , which we are able to prove by our ancient Books of Record , which have been no less than 14 or 15 times ratified and confirmed at the General Quarter Sessions .
2 Many of those authorities also have land available which they are able to use with housing associations to provide new build , but they would not have been able to do so had not this Government been in power .
3 Many people have had experiences of déjà vu , when they have come across a place which they are able to describe in precise detail even though they know they have never been there before .
4 Other writers have emphasized the narrow social strata from which judges are drawn and have questioned the degree to which they are able to relate to ordinary people and to stand up against the powerful and the rich .
5 What we are able to do in my job is to do what I was happy to do which is to give a performance in aid of a charity , one soon learns how to expend one 's energy and in which direction to focus it .
6 The Zuckerman books are a medley of differences and affinities between what we are able to infer about Roth 's life and what he has made of it in art .
7 It can further help individuals to re-assess what they are able to do in future .
8 Lastly , we have begun a series of more fundamental studies of the abilities of both chickens and pigs , asking , for example , what they are able to learn by watching others , and whether they are able to empathise with each other .
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