Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] not [be] reduced to " in BNC.

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1 In the modern world , they were held to have become so totally interchangeable that there was no value which could not be reduced to this cycle of exchange .
2 The social reality , for me , resided in the complex of interpretations , which could not be reduced to any one of the interpretations which composed it .
3 The conclusion to the argument will be that there is a specific form of violence of a political kind outside of state control which can not be reduced to crime .
4 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
5 Rather than seeing labourism within the narrow confines of a trade union dominated political intervention at the level of the state , I wish to consider it as a political culture within working-class experience at all levels , which can not be reduced to a bourgeois ethos , and which has as a major component ( but only a component ) the Labour Party .
6 He has pointed out that both our own experience and Marx 's writings suggest that changes result from a disparate collection of circumstances which can not be reduced to a single contradiction , but are jointly sufficient for a situation to become volatile .
7 To say that these factors of context , conjuncture and wider conditionality are ‘ extra-discursive ’ does not mean that discourses do not enter into their determination , only that they involve processes which can not be reduced to this effect .
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