Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] needed [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We agree that what 's needed is a credible , punter-friendly security firm to establish themselves , offering bands and venues a less twisted and psychotic alternative …
2 What 's needed is a new rationale for opening the treasury .
3 They say what 's needed is a big increase in the help and counselling available to those in dire financial straits
4 Therefore , what is needed is a critical relationship within the story-telling or story-showing within and between the form and the issue .
5 The second point , briefly , is that the white paper has turned its face on the establishment of an environmental protection agency , and independent environment protection agency , and erm , you may feel strongly , I know there was another report that came out just about that time that erm was advocating it , and you may feel that what is needed is a central , independent environmental protection agency .
6 Just as the post-war local government system can be understood as a key element of the social-democratic consensus developed in that period , so it has been argued that ‘ what is needed is a new municipal culture ’ to fit the changed social and economic realities of the late twentieth century ( Walker , 1983 , p. 10 ) .
7 Often problems seem intractable because the same solutions are tried time and time again without success , whereas what is needed is a new approach and fresh thinking .
8 We believe that what is needed is a systematic way of evaluating both the positive contribution made by the presence of an airfield as well as the adverse impact involved .
9 What is needed is a different linguistic model .
10 What is needed is a constitutional
11 This could be due either to the failure of these methods to elevate Ca 2+ in the appropriate manner ( presumably what is needed is a large transient within spines ) or to the need for additional pre- and/or postsynaptic signals .
12 What is needed is a public examination system based outside school , which will act as an incentive , not an inhibition , to curricular reform , and will as far as is possible assess pupils accurately , without at too early a stage designating some as ‘ non-examinable ’ or beyond the educational pale .
13 What is needed is a lean , muscular , high-turnover stock presented in attractive and imaginative ways …
14 What is needed is a positive Lib-Lab programme with common candidates starting in local and by-elections .
15 What is needed is an adequate route map to enable everyone to find their way around the system ( Bergen , 1975 ) .
16 What is needed is an active campaign to change the law to allow children , accompanied by a responsible adult , into a public house , or certain specified rooms within that public house , at specified times of the day , the rooms and times being agreed by the licensing justices following application from the licensee .
17 What was needed was a dispassionate focus on the root of the problem , and this meant that the subject had to lose its normative character .
18 What was needed was a new look at the problems and the ways in which they might be solved , both in the UK and elsewhere .
19 What was needed was a new system of dégorgement , able to cope with far greater capacity levels at a significantly higher speed than the traditional à la volèe process .
20 Their newspapers existed solely to point this out , and were designed to lead readers to the inescapable conclusion that what was needed was a new political party , free from the sell-outs of the Labour Party and the trade-union leaders .
21 What was needed was a small bomb capable of blowing a hole through the wing of an aircraft and igniting the fuel in the tanks inside .
22 However , even the smallest cylinder stocked by plumbers ' merchants was far too big for this application — what was needed was a small , neat cylinder , that would fit snugly under the wash basin unit .
23 What was needed was a good control system which would tell them where in the organization the problem lay so they could tackle it at source .
24 What was needed was a complete abolition of development charges .
25 What was needed was a continual flow of information regarding IBM 's product and marketing plans , which is readily available from a legion of professional IBM watchers who demand , and receive , hefty sums for analyses of future IBM strategies .
26 Eventually I decided that what was needed was a little organisation — a systematic approach to make my busy life a little less fraught .
27 What was needed was a foraging inside-forward who could pick up passes from defence and create scoring chances for the other forwards .
28 He told the Centre for Economic Policy Research that what was needed was an in-depth comparison of the costs of cleaning up emissions on the one hand with the economic benefits on the other .
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