Example sentences of "[be] thought of [adv] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Positional signals might be thought of as instructive since they tell the cell its position in the system .
2 It might be thought of as over-reacting but the development of local monopolies and cartels is just conceivable .
3 ’ Yates felt that , ‘ Dustin did n't relate to the character because I do n't think Dustin likes to be thought of as nice and charming .
4 The division of labour in modern Britain is such that these three major segments of social life can be thought of as distinct and virtually autonomous sub-systems , each with its own set of specialized self-perpetuating roles ministers , " politicians " , civil servants , judges , lawyers , policemen , bishops , clergy — all of which are open , at least in theory , to any individual of appropriate age , sex , and education who chooses to make himself a candidate .
5 To be patronised in a cloying , concerned manner , to be thought of as diseased or unclean , the result of some awful sin and therefore to be regarded as someone without hope — was her situation better than mine or worse ?
6 It might be thought of as repressive but they actually enjoy it .
7 Indeed , if the state can be thought of as acting as a single shareholder then it will be in a more powerful position vis-a-vis management than are shareholders of most private companies .
8 For ease of reference , the various steps are numbered , but the divisions between the steps should never be thought of as hard and fast .
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