Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] thousands [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some 1600 installations are notifiable , along with thousands of kilometres of pipelines ( mostly high-pressure natural gas transmission lines ) .
2 Over long distances this adds up to thousands of pounds of pressure on your limbs and joints .
3 Cara Pickering , prosecuting , told Chester magistrates yesterday that Joseph Griffiths , of Arrowcroft Road , Guilden Sutton , had deceived mail order companies out of thousands of pounds for almost five years by ordering goods in false names .
4 The labour camps , temperatures of 50 degrees below zero , a lifetime condemned to stare out over thousands of miles of the bleak , barren permafrost , where blindness eventually came as a minor blessing .
5 The exam was sent out to thousands of schools as part of the government 's testing scheme for youngsters .
6 How do you get a little drawing like that on to thousands of metres of fabric ? ’
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