Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [art] period [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Caducius had been found by Alexander McKenn and Maurice Harknett in the 1960s and dived on for a period of time before being forgotten .
2 A currency which gradually adjusts up or down over a period of time , depending on the intrinsic strength of the economy which supports it , is much less likely to attract the eye of the speculator than one which is about to burst the artificial dam which has been built around it .
3 Now , that obviously means , colleagues that we 're , we 're going over for a period of time , but we 're er slightly behind this afternoon , so certainly need to be trying to pull some work back .
4 William Cobbet passed through during the period of expansion , and hated it !
5 The universe would have started off with a period of exponential or " inflationary " expansion in which it would have increased its size by a very large factor .
6 The efficiency of these ingredients wears off over a period of time , and swimming , towel- drying and perspiration can speed up this process .
7 You 've got ta put an offer in and pay it so much a month have n't you or something and , and , and get it paid off over a period of time ?
8 When a plan drawn up during a period of supply crisis fails to analyse thoroughly the question of the balance of supply and demand this of course is no ‘ external ’ defect , no ‘ formal ’ omission , but a profoundly internal fault .
9 Eventually these persons might have to face up to a period of crisis , of self-examination , and so achieve ego-identity by route C. However , foreclosure does offer an escape route and an individual might postpone indefinitely any real self-examination by clinging rigidly to his [ or her ] beliefs and values ( route D ) .
10 All the small modifications should add up over a period of time to make major achievements .
11 Another proof is taken and so the print is built up over a period of time .
12 ‘ It would be useful , ’ he said , ‘ if practitioners were made aware of the information that is required from them so they can build it up over a period of time . ’
13 For example , the ship has a power meter which drops as you get hit , but builds back up over a period of time , you do n't just simply die when hit .
14 In fact there was a , I think some of the recent erm concerns about schools have come from an image that 's been built up over a period of time that the schools spend very little time on the , on the three Rs for example .
15 If this is carried out after a period of exercise your dog may readily remain in this position since it may be relatively tired .
16 Does it matter , though , for literary criticism whether the poetry was formed out of a period of rebellion or revolution ?
17 In brief , requisitioning was unpopular , not least since it was often carried out in the period between spring and autumn when trading and fishing conditions might normally be expected to be better than at other times of the year .
18 Erm the managing director in front of Mr erm said to me , It wo n't affect your wages but what we will ask is that you give the company car back until a period of time that your wife passes a test in which case it can be given to your wife as indeed managerial status Mr .
19 This will be cut back over a period of time .
20 You have learned to look hard and analyse a complex situation , devise a detailed strategy for solving it , and then carefully carry it out over a period of time , revising your plan where necessary to cope with unforeseen difficulties .
21 However , the political problems of abolishing it outright would be huge and so some have advocated phasing it out over a period of time .
22 Sometimes the wind swings steadily round over a period of time , and at other times it blows steadily in a curve .
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