Example sentences of "[vb -s] lead to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Study of the general question of credibility of threats in dynamic games has lead to the formulation of the ‘ refinement ’ of the Nash equilibrium concept termed ‘ subgame perfect equilibrium ’ .
2 The success of the portland blue Jasper range , which was launched last year , has lead to the addition of the Brewster tea set to the collection .
3 Since 1976 the presumption of regular growth has been rudely shattered and has lead to the emergence of new ‘ cutting strategies ’ ( Glennerster , 1980 ) .
4 ‘ Perhaps those are sounds you could use in your own composition , ’ speculates the school 's head of music , Paul Chamberlain , whose quest for strange noises has led to the possibility of him poaching the National Curriculum 's science of sound course from Fartown 's physics department .
5 So too an answer is needed to the question of whether the failure to manage the transfer of information and the joint planning of a continuous four-year scheme between two different phases and organizations of education has led to the achievement of less than was hoped for , regardless of the fact that it has been very heavily funded .
6 It has led to the election of President Chiluba , leader of the country 's multi-party democracy movement .
7 This has led to the regazetting of boundaries and the diminishing of reserves .
8 However , systems change and the more integrated approach and understanding has led to the inception of new and original concepts and these will provide the basis for chapter 8 .
9 In the past five to ten years general interest in the deep structure of fold belts has led to the publication of the results of a number of seismic reflection surveys from around the world which provide useful analogues .
10 The danger of toxic gases , such as carbon monoxide and sulphur hexafluoride , has led to the installation of a computerised gas-detection system in 60 homes .
11 And and of course , it has led to the conviction of a number of erm , criminals , number of murderers , certainly .
12 Another important development is the Child Care Open Learning Project , part of the Gatsby Project , which has led to the availability of the Open University Courses ‘ Caring for Children and Young People ’ ( P653 ) and ‘ Working with Children and Young People ’ ( K254 ) both of which are making a wide range of knowledge and research available to many practitioners and others .
13 Similarly , WACC 's Forum programme of women 's consultations has led to the organisation of several women 's networks and specific women 's projects in the regions .
14 However , his action has led to the scrapping of After Dark , a ‘ show ’ which has nothing to recommend it .
15 This observation has led to the hypothesis of a human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) induced enteropathy which has been confirmed recently by the finding of small bowel atrophy with hyporegeneration and impaired enterocyte maturation in patients infected with HIV .
16 Is he aware that the effect of the special car tax and of the vicious recession in the United Kingdom and the USA has led to the sacking of more than one third of Jaguar car workers this year ?
17 The modern desire for open-plan has led to the removal of many bar-partitions , destroying the character of original interiors and distorting any attempt to create a truly ‘ Victorian ’ interior .
18 The mass resignation earlier this year of the Conseil Supérieur de la Recherche Scientifique ( CSRS ) , the official body at the head of French archaeology , has led to the commissioning of a report by the Minister of Culture , Jack Lang , which is now being considered by the CSRS .
19 A recognition of the prominence being given to psalmody outside Morning and Evening Prayer has led to the provision of simpler substitutes for Anglican chant .
20 Finally , the determination of B has led to the formulation of the nephelauxetic series of ligands , in which the position of a ligand is related to its power to expand the d orbitals of the metal .
21 Arguably this has led to the break-up of the old trade union structures and increased management 's ability to obtain flexibility of labour .
22 Mr Tonner , education convener of Strathclyde 's students ' union , and Ms Brolls , a former vice-president and debates convener of the union , argued second proposition for the motion : ‘ This house believes that the break-up of the family has led to the break-up of society . ’
23 The recognition of the Symon Unconformity and its regional significance along the northern and western flanks of the London-Brabant Massif , has led to the proposition of a modified Carboniferous basin development model .
24 The increased importance of standardised informational support for both machines and operators has led to the concept of procedures as a separate design issue within a system ( Fig. 1.30 ) .
25 This has led to the concept of the motility index ( area under the time pressure curve ) to describe pressure activity .
26 Combined with the decline in the political influence of the great aristocracy this has led to the notion of a ‘ crisis of the nobility ’ .
27 Although the sales staff operate independently their regular contact with each other has led to the swapping of leads .
28 Coercion is not needed today for most people in these areas , for the evolution of mankind has led to the internalization of these prohibitions ; the super-ego , which develops in most children in modern societies , controls these .
29 His enthusiasm for this has led to the interpolation of several texts .
30 But it is the more routine work they do that really makes the significant contribution to safety in the air , such as the identification of the origin of injuries sustained in survivable accidents which has led to the de-lethalisation of aircraft cockpits and cabins .
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