Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] to some extent [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the twentieth century , history has suffered to some extent in terms of its general significance in relation to people 's interpretations of life , because we now have a whole generation of politicians who , and statesmen , if you can call them such , who know very little history at all .
2 This has happened to some extent with dyke , a disparaging word for lesbians , and with spinster , less disparaging but still pretty negative , which is Mary Daly 's term of choice for women who refuse to accept patriarchal society , preferring to ‘ spin' their own reality .
3 While the situation has improved to some extent in recent years , especially in the field of education , nonetheless the basic pattern of inequality remains in all aspects of the social structure , from paid work to the household division of labour , from sexuality to violence .
4 What actually happens depends to some extent on the strategies that classes pursue and on the unity with which they organise themselves and seize opportunities to strengthen their positions .
5 However , although calcium caseinate is not soluble in water it does soften to some extent after soaking .
6 Yeah , well , thank you Chairman , I I I 'm erm er , I must admit , I 'm I I am think long and and and er think deep really , about er , you know , changes such as this , but I I also er , er have to run my own businesses , and er , I just er , I think we have experienced a water-shed , it 's coincided to some extent with the change of administration and then during the nineteen eighties , we had to a boom in this county , we had the the opportunity and I never er ever er , been against that principle , of er , of er , using our actual receipts we have hidden reserves , we we talked about the reserves of twenty nine million pounds here , for the er , erm , we have er er , assets of twenty nine million , in an earlier paper .
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