Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Also the junction between the uncorroded metal and the applied patina is very sharp , whereas a patina which has developed over a long period of time will have eaten into the metal in a very irregular and quite characteristic manner that is very difficult to imitate .
2 Add to this cost the growth in government expenditure , and we are a long way in explaining why the real value of the tax threshold , or the level of income at which tax begins to be paid , has fallen during the post-war period .
3 There half an inch of rain has fallen in the same period .
4 Barthes has differentiated between a postwar period during which the cultural influence of the French writer/intellectual has gradually diminished , and an interwar period during which " great writers … such as Gide , Claudel , Valery , Malraux … were at the centre of intense activity , exerting enormous cultural influence " . "
5 C.1 which are brought after a certain period because the Vendor would otherwise have a contingent liability for six years which is unacceptable ; the Vendor wants to know after a reasonable period that it is free from any further claims .
6 The number claiming SB has risen over the same period from three million to just under five million ( figures from CPAG ) .
7 ‘ This is one that Alan has had for a long period of time , ’ Mr Cross said .
8 However , the pace of decline has quickened in the post-war period .
9 That comparison is exagerrated by the enormous increase in world trade which has occurred in the post-war period , and which has largely by-passed the Eastern European countries .
10 As an established discipline , however , sociology is a relatively new arrival on the academic scene , and the real expansion in its popularity has occurred in the post-war period .
11 The transmitted message contains details of all that the satellite has to do in the next period , in particular to implement the survey .
12 The relationship between unemployment and imprisonment has persisted throughout the post-war period , intensifying since 1974 ( Hale 1989b ) .
13 Figure 18.4 shows , by means of five-year moving averages of deaths per million in England and Wales , how the disease has behaved over a long period in relation to other serious illnesses .
14 Most of this work has concentrated on the historical period , using readily available sources of information , and looking in detail at particular localities .
15 What has happened in the modern period is a deviation , not a development : a deviation that is failing economically , socially , environmentally .
16 What has happened in the intervening period has been a progressive drawing-together of the ethical activities and interests of ourselves , ICAS and ICAI .
17 By 1951 rural population was on the increase , a trend that has continued throughout the postwar period .
18 Even at the primary stage , it has been shown that children can often grasp that a country house contains material that has accumulated over a long period .
19 But what I am saying in context , no this has a deal to do with the co boundaries , as you know erm the honourable member well knows , the essence of this this is wholly inappropriate in terms of erm trying to latest citizenship through an arrangement of six additional boundaries into a erm union and a political state and I think that that is the profound objection that this side of the house has expressed over a long period of time now , is a reflection of the public mood in the country in respect of this election and the way the boundaries er are are erm apportioned and all I say in conclusion is that this is an evidence further of the irrelevance of this house in reflecting and attesting to public opinion outside .
20 Your own , personalized weight control programme has not been a sudden thing but has evolved over a long period of time .
21 Thus the nature of local politics has changed over the post-war period , and we will now look at the way this has been analysed , to see if the debates within the social sciences have kept pace with material change .
22 Myopia tends to progress throughout the growing period and spectacles may have to be changed every six to twelve months .
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