Example sentences of "[was/were] all [adv] [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By then railways were no longer fashionable , and the financial shenanigans of the nineteenth-century railway-builders were all too open to exposure .
2 The other villagers , eyeing each other speculatively , saw that they were all too full of pasta for the adventure .
3 The deal was all too similar to others that he knew unscrupulous businessmen had perpetrated in this country and others .
4 Mr Tweedie said that , at present , it was all too easy for users to be left unaware of the total assets employed in a business , and its overall funding .
5 It was all too easy for opponents of the move towards greater political party involvement in national leadership to label the activities of politicians as corrupt , self-seeking , individualistic and anti-social .
6 Ultimately , it was all too easy for Sainz , who could afford to enjoy the scenery in yesterday 's Scottish forest stages after Kankkunnen , the only man who could have overhauled him in the world title race , lost crucial time when his Lancia hit a rock .
7 At a time when vast tracts were unsettled , it was all too easy for governments to be profligate .
8 The novels enjoyed a limited success , but because most novelists were concerned at the time to redefine the relation of the individual to society in terms of changing values , it was all too easy for readers to focus on the social dimension of Brooke-Rose 's fiction and to overlook those aspects which can in retrospect be seen to prefigure the problems and techniques of her later work .
9 Without such basic information we realized it was all too easy for myths and fantasies to develop about the demands of the investigative service .
10 For all that they were wrapped in fog , the revolver that had appeared in a gloved hand was all too visible to Sergeant Joe .
11 ‘ It was all too obvious to hindsight .
12 In the truncated finale , for instance ( given a puckish rather than a trenchant slant by Kun ) , I was all too conscious of moments when the speed of articulation and lively nature of the acoustic conspired to widen the distance between soloist and woodwind , making for an uncomfortable out-of-phase sensation in their exchanges .
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