Example sentences of "[was/were] set [adv] by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Elaborate pricing mechanisms — the K-factors and all the rest — were set up by the government before the sell-off ; they were aimed at helping the industry , which had long been a victim of under-investment , to pay for a capital-spending programme of at least £18 billion over the next decade .
2 Advisory Committees were set up by the NEC on 13 March 1918 in order to help to develop the Party 's policies on a wide range of issues and began to publish reports and statements which added to the corpus of Labour policies .
3 Select committees were set up by the House with full powers of investigation .
4 Samuel Sharp in his History of Stamford of 1847 says : ‘ It is most likely … that certain localities … were set apart by the Druids for the assemblage of their pupils and disciples : and why may not Stamford be one of these ? ’
5 Monte Samana is his , I know that now , and he deserves his profits , because he has made a holiday place that sits on the side of the hill as though it were set there by the Spaniards themselves , the Andalusians and the descendants of the Moors . ’
6 To ensure compliance by motorists , standards for 30 km/h streets were set out by the Ministry of Transport .
7 This was set up by a Henley member , the late Stephen Bertram , who lost his left arm in the Second War and who joined the Society in 1955 .
8 Chris Stocks was set up by a friend when The Sun newspaper asked readers to send in photographs of Chris Evans lookalikes .
9 Forty two year old decorated U D R veteran , Albert Cooper , was set up by a woman who left a booby-trapped car at this garage for repairs .
10 It was set up by a Czech called Paul Popper in 1934 .
11 In 1968 , the William Lambarde ( 1536–1601 ) Memorial Fund , was set up by a bequest of the late Mrs M.E. Lambarde , to the Society of Antiquaries of London .
12 The recycling scheme is run by the non-profit making Save-a-Cup Recycling Company which was set up by a group of plastic cup manufacturers and a number of companies in the UK vending and foodservice industries just over a year ago .
13 In November 1989 a Movement for Polish Politics ( RPP ) was set up by a number of OKP deputies , members of citizens ' committees , industrial associations and various political clubs , the aim being to unite the Polish centre-right .
14 Erm , we we talked about this sort of issue earlier on , in in relationship to the , to the R A D. Erm , I 'm not quite sure of the strong importance of that organisation to the council , but I am sure that this erm , committee was set up by a number of south west authorities who are trying to look at the future of county farms .
15 The $2,000 prize was set up by a patrons ' organization of the National Museum of American Art in honour of Charles C. Eldredge , former director of the museum .
16 Drummonds Bank was set up by a Scot in the Scottish end of London ( the name Scotland Yard dates from mediaeval times when the kings of Scotland and their ambassadors would lodge there .
17 The Overseas Research Students ( ORS ) Awards Scheme was set up by the secretary of state for education and science in 1979 to provide awards for partial remission of tuition fees to overseas post-graduate students of outstanding merit and research potential .
18 Suffice to say that it became evident fairly soon that the existing monetary techniques of regulation were not sufficiently effective , and in 1957 a committee was set up by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to inquire into the working of the monetary and credit system in the UK .
19 Britain 's ski charity , The British Ski Educational Trust Ltd , was founded in 1966 , soon after the British Ski Federation was set up by the Ski Club of Great Britain .
20 Following the commission 's recommendations , the Health Targets and Implementation Committee was set up by the state and federal health ministers to develop national goals and targets .
21 It is not a consortium of millionaires , but was set up by the leaders of the developed nations at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 .
22 A family planning association was set up by the Government in 1972 , and the Government 's First Five Year Plan proposed the promotion of several different types of birth control .
23 GILL Rowlands , the ‘ trade union rights Commissioner ’ , whose expensive Warrington office to hear complaints against trade unions was set up by the government five years ago , says 1991-92 was ‘ an encouraging year ’ .
24 With the beginning of the war , the Emergency Medical Service ( EMS ) was set up by the Government .
25 The National Council for Vocational Qualifications was set up by the Government .
26 The Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( FMSM — an alliance led by Jérôme Marojama Razanabahiny of Vonjy ) , was set up by the government as a counterweight to the new opposition parties .
27 It was set up by the government to advise it on environmental policy .
28 NAMAS , specialists in the field of laboratory techniques , was set up by the government to raise and maintain the standards of laboratory work .
29 The first meeting takes place this week and I am asked to make a presentation to the Committee which was set up by the minister of finance . ’
30 The Working Party on Internal Migration in Britain , which was set up by the Institute of British Geographers in l988 , aims at the better understanding of the patterns , causes and implications of migration in Britain .
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