Example sentences of "[was/were] held to be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Several had considered maths or engineering , or both ; maths was generally dismissed as ‘ too theoretical ’ , while engineering was dismissed as ‘ too applied ’ : physics was held to be the perfect happy medium — applied enough to be ‘ relevant ’ ( a favourite adjective amongst both the science and the arts students ) , but theoretical enough to be stimulating and demanding .
2 The cause of the accident was held to be the unsafe system of work used by the plaintiff 's employers rather than use of the premises .
3 This was held to be the wrong approach by the House of Lords .
4 The benefit to be assessed on teachers at Malvern College in respect of their children 's education there was held to be the marginal cost to the school of providing the education , less any contribution the teachers made .
5 The system , including the computer programs , was held to be the proper subject matter of a patent because the programs were embodied in physical form ; they were " hard-wired " , permanently embedded in the electronic circuits of the equipment .
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