Example sentences of "[was/were] being [vb pp] all [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the middle of the century chamber cantatas were being written all over Italy ; the composers were as numerous as the madrigalists of the previous century .
2 Vaulting was being developed all over Europe by the later eleventh century , but in Italy the wooden roof and/or the domical covering were the usual method .
3 Corduroy has always been the poor man 's velvet ; its pile is made of cotton , rather than silk or satin , and by the eighteenth century it was being worn all over Europe , not by kings , but by working men .
4 Die Entführung was being performed all over Austria and Germany , and , according to Leopold , the Berlin papers were advertising the new quartets , saying that Mozart 's name alone was sufficient to recommend them to the public : no other guarantee of quality was needed .
5 How the printers had got hold of her photograph she did not know , but they had , and now it was being sold all over London , along with ones of Lillie Langtry and other noted belles .
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