Example sentences of "[was/were] assumed that the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite ritualistic genuflections from time to time towards the value of local democracy , it was assumed that the purpose of local government was more or less consensually agreed to be the local delivery of a set of services enshrined in centrally determined statutes .
2 It was assumed that the spread of middle class attitudes would radically alter allegiances at work , in particular .
3 A master who freed a slave could take back his freedom three times in succession ; after the third time it was assumed that the judgement of the master could no longer be trusted .
4 In this initial presentation of the passive rifting model it was assumed that the amount of extension was uniform throughout the lithosphere ( Fig. 4.1 7(A) ) .
5 For years it was assumed that the bear of Croisset broke out of his bearishness solely with Louise Colet — ‘ the only sentimental episode of any importance in the life of Flaubert , ’ Emile Faguet declared .
6 When the current collusion controversy began , it was assumed that the bulk of the problem lay with the UDR .
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