Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] considered [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Speaking to the Empire State Black Arts and Cultural Festival in Albany , New York , on July 20 , Jeffries made statements which were widely considered to be racist and anti-semitic .
2 In otder to minimise the influence of complications from the initial bleed , patients were only considered to be eligible for entry into the trial once they were stable with no evidence of any bleeding for five days and also no evidence of any other destabilising medical conditions ( such as septicaemia and renal failure ) .
3 These remarks reveal the irresistible appeal of the playful cat even in an era when felines were generally considered to be evil and dangerous , and were being widely persecuted .
4 During the last decade or so a wide range of what were once considered to be mundane or esoteric problems concerning the English countryside have been thrust to the forefront of public attention by the apparently sudden and widespread increase in anxiety about ‘ the environment ’ .
5 Since the framework gave no hint of the long periods of time during which tool types were in use , sites that were originally considered to be contemporary were subsequently found to be separated by hundreds or thousands of years .
6 The Corridor through which Poland had access to the sea ran almost exactly through Pomerelia and the area occupied by the Kaszubes — who were now considered to be Polish .
7 The result was widely considered to be indicative of the government 's increasing unpopularity .
8 An end to the worst bloodshed in recent years and the prospect of national peace and increased democracy was widely considered to be dependent on the successful outcome of three events taking place simultaneously .
9 Although the charge carried a maximum penalty of one year 's imprisonment and a $100,000 fine , Barry 's sentence was widely considered to be harsh for a first offence .
10 It remained unclear to many analysts , however , whether the " no " vote was a rejection of demilitarization , or the expression of general uncertainty about the preservation of national sovereignty , given that Endara owed his installation in office to the December 1989 US military invasion of the country [ see pp. 37112-13 ] and that his government was widely considered to be subservient to US interests in the region .
11 Although not a great speaker , Gore was generally considered to be hard-working and conscientious and was renowned as an expert in arms control , defence and foreign policy matters .
12 This was generally considered to be brilliant , although it seems to me that it was as much my father 's achievement as my own , and probably perceived unconsciously by him as such .
13 While it was generally considered to be difficult to prove bribery charges against those in receipt of such payments — the success of such a charge would require specific evidence of mutual benefit — the sums received by individual politicians were large enough to have contravened the Political Funds Control Law which restricted the size of political donations and required those over 1,000,000 yen to be registered .
14 The timing of Bush 's statement was also considered to be important , its delivery coinciding with US attempts to dissuade Israel from barring East Jerusalem Arabs from any peace negotiations .
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