Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] almost [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Following the exile , it should be recalled that women , for a complex of pragmatic reasons , were confined almost exclusively to the domestic realm .
2 The silos , which were built almost exclusively for the storage of milling wheat have a capacity of 33,000 tons .
3 These were made almost certainly in the twelfth century , by Bishop Gut , founder of the cathedral , as a Latin inscription asserts , though there has been argument that they must be Gallo-Roman since the subject-matter is profane and improper for the patronage of a Christian bishop .
4 The tests developed by the project team were not related specifically to the curriculum operated by the schools associated with the project but they were based almost exclusively on the topics in the Cockcroft foundation list .
5 As shown in Table VIII , the 13 cases that were judged histological to be definite ulcerative colitis ( category A ) were distributed almost evenly between the RP and control groups .
6 However , although only one in twenty of those over the age of 55 reported that they were pleased about the plant closure , those who did so were concentrated almost entirely in the group that was within three years of pension age when the redundancies took place .
7 The greatest sting , it seems , lies with credit cards which were issued almost indiscriminately in the booming Eighties , but now many people find they can no longer afford the interest charges levied .
8 No consistent difference was found in the representation of skeletal elements , but bone breakage and digestion are considerably greater in the nest assemblages ( Table 2.2 ) , which were accumulated almost entirely by the immature fledglings .
9 By the time they were interviewed in late 1982 and early 1983 ( some three years after being made redundant ) , they were divided almost equally between the economically active and inactive — 51 per cent and 49 per cent respectively — according to the standard definition of such activity .
10 However , so severe were his injuries that he was transferred almost immediately to the burns unit of Withington Hospital in Manchester .
11 For men , the recent increase in incidence was seen almost exclusively among the young and middle aged and was confined to men in the most recent birth cohort ( those born since 1918 ) .
12 ‘ Well , ’ she said , when they returned home and the car was idling almost silently at the roadside .
13 It was too expensive for most private individuals there to send telegrams ; the network was used almost exclusively by the authorities .
14 Throughout 1911 his attention was focused almost exclusively on the Balkans , to which he travelled frequently , having many friends among remote inland brigands as well as among the cream of Kemal Atatürk 's reformist movement in Constantinople .
15 Although he engaged in some pastoral work in the years after his ordination , preaching and hearing confessions , his time was spent almost entirely in the papal civil service and , until the appointment to Germany for just over a decade , almost entirely in Rome .
16 The bomb had a lengthy fuse attached to it , and when it was discovered by one of the schoolboys , the fuse was burnt almost up to the bomb .
17 The latter was taken almost entirely from the wire services of Reuters and Agence France-presse , although the Times obtained stories from its sister papers in East Africa and the group 's London correspondent .
18 Union Canal was renewed almost immediately by the Grand Junction , and Foxton came back into the picture .
19 From such work and from studies on the biochemistry of tubercle bacilli , on substances which prevented their growth , and on potential therapeutic agents , extensive research , especially in the USA , led to the substance named isoniazid which was discovered almost simultaneously in the laboratories of E. R. Squibb and of Hoffmann-La Roche and publicized in 1952 .
20 Mrs Swami , who is in her 40s and lives in Kingsbury , north-west London , claims she was beaten almost daily by the two sisters of the Emir of Kuwait .
21 " Unity against the capitalist offensive " had remained an empty phrase , while the agitation for " immediate demands " was conducted almost solely among the unemployed .
22 Nizan 's individual fate within the party was determined almost exclusively by the vagaries of the national and international politics of the time .
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