Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [prep] the rest of " in BNC.

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1 Whatever may be happening to the rest of the economy , litigation is booming and so , apparently , is fraud .
2 ‘ I take it these anonymous friends of yours will be stayin' for the rest of the party ? ’
3 We have a council meeting on December 15 and I shall be talking to the rest of the Labour group about proposing a motion condemning his antics .
4 When we 're in Tesco 's we 'll have to make sure we 've bought the ingredients for all these biscuits we 're gon na be making for the rest of the
5 Jacob , increasingly since he commenced going to university , might be missing for the rest of the day ; Joshua , particularly in the summer , would go out for long walks in the country , following , he said , the course of some meshuggeneh game in which young men threw an iron ball along the road and ran after it — could there be such a game ?
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