Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] to get [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many educationalists in the nineteenth century believed that for the young it was right to teach only what was certain , such as geometry and classical languages ; once these had been mastered it would be all right to get on to more hypothetical subjects .
2 ’ We have learned things about the galaxy , ’ she replied grimly , ’ and we will be greatly glad to get back to our Ardakke .
3 Thirdly , the Act clearly adopts as the test of danger either ‘ the greater risk of harm ’ or ‘ the risk of greater harm ’ : an elephant may not in fact be very likely to get out of control and do damage , but if it does so , its bulk gives it a great capacity for harm .
4 if they would be very difficult to get through to somebody the truth
5 After the lecture there were tea and refreshments and it was not until fairly late that I rang Emily just to say Hello , and how sorry I was to be too busy to get over to the house to see her this trip .
6 Once I can make a hole through them it should n't be too difficult to get round into the outer cellar .
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