Example sentences of "[that] it be [adv] difficult [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Basses by Bernie Goodfellow Proving that it 's extremely difficult to keep a good bassmaker down , here are the latest offerings from the hands of Bernie Goodfellow …
2 There have been so many narrow escapes that it 's very difficult to say which one was the closest .
3 Says Melville , ‘ We learned that it 's very difficult to live and work together . ’
4 If , however , you simply have a designation which says , This is E two land this is in conformity with the structure plan which , incidentally , has n't been proved in my view in relation to development pressure nor landscape quality , nevertheless you just say this is E two land , then it seems to me that it 's very difficult to argue that it is open countryside .
5 One of the problems with I twelve and the numerical content of I twelve is that it 's very difficult to differentiate between offices and services , it 's proved impossible to monitor .
6 I think the problem about having it as a a a perhaps a wine bar or something is that is that it 's very difficult to get to and I think it do n't does create problems for people but I think there is a solution there we just need to actually target the right use for it .
7 The snag is that it 's very difficult to get started , impossibly hard to master and the demands made on your system are astronomical — running Painter on a 50MHz 486 can still be painfully slow .
8 I du n no but it just that it 's so difficult to get away with it these days .
9 What should you do if you do n't live in London , and find that it is financially difficult to pay for such courses ?
10 He also notes that it is increasingly difficult to persuade donors that uneconomic development schemes ( and the roads and sewers that have accompanied them ) should be paid for with drug-control money .
11 This is not to limit faith , but to recognise that it is increasingly difficult to maintain a high figure based on small numbers .
12 While many of these ideas have lost some of their tenacity , the length of life of the housing stock and the sluggishness of change in urban structure means that it is particularly difficult to change house design to conform to changes in the position of women in society in general and the family in particular .
13 It is important , while acknowledging that many policies are made complex and ambiguous by the conflicts within the policy-making process , to recognize that it is intrinsically difficult to specify some policy goals in terms that will render the implementation process quite clear and unambiguous .
14 The basic premise of this approach is so startlingly simple that it is rather difficult to explain how damaging it actually is .
15 The reality is that it is extraordinarily difficult to get any change in these kinds of laws — as the last 30 years of procedural mugging by both sides shows in relation to abortion , and the five-year gestation period of this Bill shows with regard to experimenting .
16 In fact , what might be said is , that the principles of identity and participation are so closely interrelated and intertwined in his thought that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between them .
17 We are a nation of voluntary workers and there are so many organisations that it is sometimes difficult to know which to choose to help .
18 The lack of a single authoritative constitutional document means that it is relatively difficult to point to breaches of the constitution by British governments , although it is by no means impossible , as we shall see below in cases involving national security .
19 The truth is that it is monumentally difficult to galvanize the American political system into action .
20 So much tree clearance work was done during the first ten years of the existence of Catchment Boards that it is now difficult to get a complete picture of the derelict state of the rivers before the passing of the Land Drainage Act in 1930 .
21 We have already observed that it is more difficult to speechread unless there is enough space between you and the speaker — eyes can not possibly focus on the whole face if it is only six inches away .
22 A decade passed before there was any general awareness that it is more difficult to stop taking benzodiazepines than to start , and that weaning dependent patients from their drugs could be a painful process .
23 Another justification advanced is that social deprivation variables tap aspects of need for resources not adequately represented by morbidity measures — for example , that it is more difficult to provide services in a deprived area or that effectiveness is reduced by adverse conditions .
24 Despite these traditions , analysis of student results does not indicate that it is more difficult to gain a first in arts than it is in science subjects .
25 The lazy among us will always claim that it is more difficult to learn as you get older .
26 My own experience of trying to teach and train managers is that it is extremely difficult to teach grownup people anything .
27 While the biographical sources normally mention the professors from whom the student received lessons , they rarely mention the medrese at which the professor was teaching , so that it is extremely difficult to follow a student from medrese to medrese .
28 The conclusion Sampson draws from this is that it is extremely difficult to determine the boundary between what is grammatical and ungrammatical if such a high proportion of grammatical expansions are very rare .
29 My Lords , I believe that it is extremely difficult to get the right sort of people erm to do these things .
30 This is partly due to the different religious and cultural traditions , but is also influenced by the fact that it is extremely difficult to produce curved and flowing lines unless the knotting is reasonably fine .
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