Example sentences of "[that] they be unlikely [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , pupils who perceive that they are unlikely to be selected for anything which is valued may become disheartened and fail to fulfil their potential .
2 Third , the goods produced by bureaus are public goods in the sense that they are unlikely to be provided if charged for and offered for sale .
3 Ironically , the system means that they are unlikely to be told , in case they use the information as evidence in an action .
4 In practice , then , journalists have the " power " — in the sense that they are unlikely to be stopped — to defame the poor , to publish falsehoods which do not injure reputations , and to invade personal privacy .
5 Some of the awkwardness in Anglo-American relations had been dispelled by a combination of circumstances ; James Byrnes had been replaced as US Secretary of State by the anglophile General George Marshall ; Britain , for her part , had supported the launch of the Marshall Plan in Western Europe ; and the Americans were beginning to appreciate that they were unlikely to be able to tame the malign hostility of the Soviet Union as Roosevelt had once hoped .
6 Although one of the children suffered from tuberculosis , the corporation housing department had told them that they were unlikely to be housed .
7 The indentured labourers hoped to be able to set up as independent farmers once they had worked off the costs of their passages , but the islands soon became so crowded that they were unlikely to be able to do this .
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