Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [vb mod] continue [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 I have already quoted Mrs in her statement brackets C forty eight , saying although my husband and I would like to be able to care for Anna Jane as long as possible , I accept the last six years have taken their toll on us both and in reality it 's unlikely that we will continue to be able to provide the same level of care and outside is required , unquote .
2 The letter did not say that they would continue to be charged for the service , unless they wrote and asked for it to be stopped .
3 Gaidar ( as Deputy Premier in charge of economic reform — see below for his transfer to the Finance Ministry ) pledged government help for the farmers , promising that they would continue to be eligible for preferential loans , and that a draft bill to release farmers ' sons from military service was in preparation .
4 Although augmented now by police powers to give instructions in the control of processions and assemblies and the new crime of offensive conduct it seems likely that they will continue to be of immense practical importance .
5 More generally on durability , it seems that the requirement that the goods be of merchantable quality is a continuing requirement that they will continue to be of merchantable quality for a reasonable period after delivery so long as they remain in the same apparent state as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear .
6 Our policies have been a huge success up to now and we are determined to ensure that they will continue to be so .
7 Almost until the day of opening the new buildings were unnamed , and most people probably thought that it would continue to be the " Stockport Secondary School " .
8 Partly because , in spite of his professed indifference to the outside world , it nevertheless rankled with Franco that his regime was excluded from all the most important international circles , and he knew that it would continue to be blackballed for as long as it could be accused of denying the Spanish people free choice .
9 Er but nobody could tell me for certain what it was that they intended to use it for , er but it was apparently not guaranteed that it would continue to be used er as a market hall .
10 Hedley Bull argues that the state has demonstrated a formidable capacity to withstand challenges from other types of actors , and that it will continue to be able to withstand them .
11 Even though the statutory offence that replaces it reduces the public order characteristics of the offence and raises doubts as to whether affray is properly characterised as a public order offence at all , the likelihood is that it will continue to be employed in the prosecution of spontaneous brawls that result in no great injury in circumstances where the evidence of specific offences against the person is deficient .
12 I am confident Scottish Nuclear has a long-term future and that it will continue to be one of Scotland 's best engineering companies .
13 Many of those on board who were of merely ordinary calibre would serve by yielding up their vital force to feed the Emperor 's insatiable soul , so that he could continue to be a watchful beacon and protector .
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