Example sentences of "[that] [pron] 's gon [to] [be] " in BNC.

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1 which means really all that she 's gon na be left with your income for ten years does n't it ?
2 ‘ We were all friends before we got the band together , and it 's strange that there 's gon na be changes , ’ continues Greg , with clinical ruthlessness .
3 Now the next word is health , because I 've seen no strong reasoning , no strong convictions , that there 's gon na be any advantages in health terms in ter er as opposed to directly managed units .
4 So did I hear you say to your Mum that there 's gon na be a ra exactly the same rap at a
5 Erm but again I do n't suspect that there 's gon na be any any impact on that for the , for at least two months .
6 Somehow I get a vibe off it that it 's gon na be a really good place to be , 'cos maybe things are n't as f—ed up down there .
7 If it 's man and wife arguing , or man , female arguing , and they 're the only two in this place , and I 'm satisfied that it 's gon na be quiet , and there 's no injuries to each other and it 's not gon na flare up , then that 's a domestic , that you can be quite happy with .
8 Right , it should n't be my responsibility to do that it should it should be accepted that it 's gon na be done .
9 but everybody thinks that it 's gon na be easy
10 bring this new tax , but instead of poll tax and community charge and that it 's gon na be like a new erm property tax .
11 I think they 'll have to recognize that it 's gon na be roll your sleeves up and we 're go we are n't gon na be able to do all of the things we wanted to do , and that 's the price we 're gon na have to pay .
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