Example sentences of "[that] [pron] have been the victim " in BNC.

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1 In 1930 Nizan noted " I dislike the philosophy of oppressors because I feel that I have been the victim of oppression ; reconciliation with oppression does not strike me as a victory for freedom , but rather as a death sentence . "
2 Perhaps she had begun to realise that she had been the victim of an unhappy marriage , rather than simply the cause of one .
3 Kenya 's Chief Magistrate , Joseph Mango , ruled on Oct. 27 , 1989 , at the inquest of a British tourist , Julie Ward , whose body was found in the Masai Mara game reserve in September 1988 , that she had been the victim of " foul play by persons unknown " , contrary to previous official claims that she had been killed by wild animals [ see p. 36917 ] .
4 The women accused of murdering Linda Ann McMullen , 30 , then tried an elaborate charade to suggest that she had been the victim of a sex attack by a man , it was alleged at Mold Crown Court .
5 Now the trouble is that we have been the victim of those successes .
6 of them revealed that they had been the victims of marital rape .
7 At his trial for this offence , he sought the exclusion of the evidence thereby obtained on the ground that he had been the victim of an entrapment .
8 The action arose out of a Privy Council hearing of his appeal against his dismissal from the Singapore bar following his conviction for fraud , when the Privy Council had found that he had been the victim of " grievous injustice " and expressed " deep disquiet that by a series of misjudgments [ he had ] been fined , imprisoned and publicly disgraced for offences for which [ he was ] not guilty " [ see p. 37086 ] .
9 The appeal hearing opened on May 15 , 1990 , with Demjanjuk 's lawyers arguing that he had been the victim of mistaken identity and that evidence presented at the original trial had been forged .
10 A day later he claimed that he had been the victim of a dirty tricks campaign , saying that his house had been under surveillance and that a carefully organized smear campaign had been waged against him , apparently concerning loans alleged to have been made to his petfood company several years previously .
11 He alleged that he had been the victim of a politically motivated investigation and stated that it remained his intention to seek a 16th term of office in November 1992 .
12 His comrades immediately claimed that he had been the victim of Leftist aggression and demanded retribution .
13 During preliminary police investigations into Norman Scott 's allegations that he had been the victim of a conspiracy to murder in order to protect a former lover , Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe MP , the " Daily Telegraph " obtained a scoop from a police source .
14 The law therefore sets a point ( although an extremely unclear one ) at which the citizen is not entitled to resist further , and must be expected to endure the indignity or invasion , seeking relief subsequently when he can substantiate that he has been the victim of a police mistake .
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