Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [be] unlikely to be " in BNC.

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1 It indicates that you are unlikely to be a person who thinks she knows all the answers and would tend to overwhelm her with advice and urge her to ‘ dry your eyes and try not to think about it too much ’ ; and best of all , you care .
2 If you take an instant dislike to a particular hypnotherapist , or if you feel that you are unlikely to be able to establish any rapport with him , then he is not the one for you and any treatment would be unlikely to succeed .
3 In the light of the above factors and on the assumption that there is unlikely to be any real increase in the dollar price of oil in the medium term , the Board does not believe it to be financially prudent to maintain the 1992 dividend at the same level as that paid in respect of 1991 .
4 The evidence available suggests that events at the operational level will be fully automatic in normal driving and that there is unlikely to be any episodic memory available of them subsequently unless unusual circumstances occurred to force controlled processes to be used .
5 Anxious to get news of this latest development back to their own offices and realising that there was unlikely to be any more to be gleaned from this unpleasant vigil , the remaining newspeople departed as the small convoy of police traffic vanished into the maw of the blizzard .
6 Finally , pupils who perceive that they are unlikely to be selected for anything which is valued may become disheartened and fail to fulfil their potential .
7 Third , the goods produced by bureaus are public goods in the sense that they are unlikely to be provided if charged for and offered for sale .
8 Ironically , the system means that they are unlikely to be told , in case they use the information as evidence in an action .
9 In practice , then , journalists have the " power " — in the sense that they are unlikely to be stopped — to defame the poor , to publish falsehoods which do not injure reputations , and to invade personal privacy .
10 Some of the awkwardness in Anglo-American relations had been dispelled by a combination of circumstances ; James Byrnes had been replaced as US Secretary of State by the anglophile General George Marshall ; Britain , for her part , had supported the launch of the Marshall Plan in Western Europe ; and the Americans were beginning to appreciate that they were unlikely to be able to tame the malign hostility of the Soviet Union as Roosevelt had once hoped .
11 Although one of the children suffered from tuberculosis , the corporation housing department had told them that they were unlikely to be housed .
12 The indentured labourers hoped to be able to set up as independent farmers once they had worked off the costs of their passages , but the islands soon became so crowded that they were unlikely to be able to do this .
13 The greatest relief about this particular World Cup , though , is that it 's unlikely to be overwhelmed by the media overkill that now inflicts virtually every major sporting event .
14 Moreover , just like racism and sexism , it is so engrained within the structure of social life that it is unlikely to be challenged effectively by rational argument or appeals to the more philanthropic side of human nature .
15 Sometimes the consultant feels that there is so much ambiguity regarding the appointment that it is unlikely to be successful as presently structured .
16 It says that it is unlikely to be built New Mexico and that California , where the costs of living and doing business are extremely high , had a strong expense disadvantage .
17 It can not be said that the result was entirely logical , and one is tempted to agree with a famous last-century astronomer , Sir John Herschel , that the constellations seem to have been drawn up so as to cause as much inconvenience as possible , but the system has become so well established that it is unlikely to be altered now .
18 A major firm has probably sunk cost in such a way that it is unlikely to be successfully challenged by an entrant .
19 Another possibility is that ischaemia progresses to ulceration so rapidly that it is unlikely to be observed in isolation .
20 The early impression that the virus was of prime aetiological significance in AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis is not supported by the present prevalence ; the absence of a better outlook in AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis patients ( with cytomegalovirus ) treated with foscarnet compared with untreated patients in consistent with the conclusion that it is unlikely to be important .
21 For , even if they knew in general that it was unlikely to be the case , they could not afford to take chances .
22 There is also a suggestion here that her analysis of the relationship between letter and sound can be unsuccessful : -oge is a highly unusual pattern in English ( gamboge : is there anything else ? ) and that should have told her that it was unlikely to be right .
23 The hazards for the individual teacher in such exercises are considerable in that he is unlikely to be equally knowledgeable , or equally enthusiastic , in all these fields .
24 In the voting case , he may choose not to vote because he calculates that he is unlikely to be decisive ( i.e. , there will be a majority for one outcome independently of his vote ) .
25 Having at first pictured João as tall , dark and handsome , she had by now convinced herself that he was unlikely to be any taller than herself , and probably plump and talkative .
26 And besides , ’ she added on a note of practicality , sensing that he was unlikely to be moved by her ambitions , ‘ there are n't many jobs around in Cornwall for fashion designers . ’
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