Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [verb] not think i " in BNC.

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1 I must be honest and say that I do n't think I 'll ever run that fast .
2 ‘ I suppose I mean that I do n't think I ought to have them . ’
3 I 've been waiting for this for so long that I do n't think I can wait any longer — ’
4 I took my godson , Dominic Robinson , round my laboratory the other day , which is a physics laboratory , and he enjoyed it immensely and asked a number of questions , and was absolutely intrigued and fascinated by the various bits of wires and plugs and so on like that , and he asked me the sort of questions that I do n't think I would expect sometimes my undergraduates to ask .
5 I took my godson , Dominic Robinson , round my laboratory the other day , which is a physics laboratory , and he enjoyed it immensely and asked a number of questions , and was absolutely intrigued and fascinated by the various bits of wires and plugs and so on like that , and he asked me the sort of questions that I do n't think I would expect sometimes my undergraduates to ask .
6 I am afraid that I must say frankly that I do not think I can open the columns of the Q.R. — at any rate , at present — to any one associated publicly with such a publication as Blast .
7 I replied that I did n't think I would be a very good secretary but that one day I would like to run my own gallery .
8 Well I do n't know it the way you two do the work it looks so fine that I did n't think I could see it properly .
9 How often declared that I did not think I could possibly deserve my Pamela till I could show her a purity as nearly equal to hers .
10 Not that she did n't think I was really rude before .
11 That you do n't think me bad . ’
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