Example sentences of "[not/n't] come [adv] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of those who saw the General in the weeks after his resignation did not come away with the impression that he was on the edge of his seat waiting to be asked back .
2 Students frequently say they have done the recommended reading , taken the necessary notes and reviewed all their materials , but still can not come up with a solution to the problem posed .
3 That has already been increased to fou fourteen hundred er you when you 're making your recommendation may or may not come up with a recommendation for a somewhat larger settlement .
4 It does not come up with the rations .
5 If BR does not come up with the money the council is warning it may take action to force them to remove the ticket office .
6 Does the Secretary of State agree that when local democracy does not come up with the results that he wants he abolishes it ?
7 Mind , I ai n't sayin' 'e do n't 'ave 'is good points , nor that 'e do n't come up with a cuddle and a present sometimes .
8 If it does n't come up with a rescue deal by the summer , these men and women could be reaching the end of their working lives .
9 I tried to work out why we have more success in the Fourballs than the Foursomes , but I could n't come up with a solution .
10 I did n't come up with a theory immediately , though I had hunches which were difficult to put into words .
11 Er you know erm the letter , the reply went back from Dave saying that every you know , possible thing was done to get bilingual staff but at the end of the day you know they could n't come up with the goods .
12 I only began to smell a rat when he could n't come up with the documents he claimed to have .
13 Said his co-boss Curbishley : ‘ I was a bit disappointed when Lennie Lawrence at Middlesbrough did n't come up with the price we 'd fixed but I 'm happy the lad is still here .
14 We wo n't come up with the answer first time at Co-ordinators , but … second time I hope .
15 A MAJOR business safety conference is taking place in Spennymoor next month because Darlington could n't come up with the cash .
16 He wanted Eric Gates , of Ipswich and England , but would n't come up with the wages .
17 er Again it 's difficult to say , the information has been leaking out from the talks , er it does n't look as though a pay formula is being included but Roger Pulne , er even on the onset of this dispute guaranteed the members er that any deal that was struck with management would include a pay formula and er if the deal does n't come out with a pay formula after the ballot as I say , I think people are going to be very disappointed and let-down by our union negotiators .
18 And Lee will have done all that revision and he wo n't come out with an A.
19 But I would have liked to have got the napkins to match , but she said they do n't come in with the napkins .
20 Well do n't come in with the coat tomorrow please or after Easter .
21 It did n't come back with a refusal and allow us to discuss alternative ways of achieving our objective .
22 And that was er I did n't come back with an Line boat , I came back with a erm Canadian Pacific Boat .
23 Only do n't come home with the idea that the solution to every military problem is the helicopter . ’
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