Example sentences of "[not/n't] [Wh det] they used to be " in BNC.

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1 Powders are not what they used to be and today 's formulations wo n't clog , streak or look heavy , provided you apply them properly .
2 Still , things are not what they used to be .
3 It is one thing to assert that things are ‘ not what they used to be ’ and that this is part of the more ‘ general malaise ’ in society .
4 Things were not what they used to be , he lamented .
5 FINGS ai n't wot they used to be department : The recent ministerial reshuffle has stripped the rather snobby Home Office of three Old Etonians — Hurd , Renton and Hogg .
6 Hollywood Indians are n't what they used to be .
7 HARD men ai n't what they used to be !
8 FINS ai n't what they used to be for Doug Laughton and Graeme Souness
9 ‘ Well , ’ said Dracula , ‘ fangs ai n't what they used to be ! ’
10 Because of his principles he had n't served in the Forces and they 'd made him do labouring jobs instead , so that now his hands were n't what they used to be either .
11 ‘ Fings ai n't what they used to be , ’ sang Max Bygraves .
12 Spies ai n't what they used to be
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