Example sentences of "[is] basically a [adj] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 A bus topology is basically a straight wire with workstations situated at intervals along its length and terminators at either end
2 It is basically a 3-digit code with an optional decimal figure for greater detail .
3 What you have here is basically a single neuron with a of weights , the weights on the circles here are the binary elements in the random access memory .
4 But while RoboCop is basically an entertaining comedy with some ‘ serious ’ ideas thrown in for ballast , Day of the Dead , despite grotesque comedy elements , mostly involving blood-and-guts , is fundamentally more serious , an adult rather than an ‘ adult ’ movie .
5 It 's basically a pre-programmed spreadsheet with over 1,600 formulae , so you do n't have to set up your own .
6 It 's basically a gorgeous guitar with a great sound and a beautiful neck .
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