Example sentences of "[is] particularly [adj] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This argument is particularly relevant to Britain where the government has tried to foster wider share ownership by selling off formerly nationalised industries .
2 This stroke is particularly good in areas where the flesh fits tightly over the bone , such as the scalp , forehead and upper chest .
3 This is particularly galling in areas where Britain is strong .
4 Rover 's policy of utilising parts which were already in production for a different model when building a new vehicle is particularly useful in places where spares are not as readily available .
5 This is particularly effective in situations where the sender of a message is working in an area far from any telephone extension , and would therefore find it difficult to alert a pager system , or where two-say conversation is necessary during the course of certain operations .
6 It is particularly harmful to farmers elsewhere because the Community — with its guaranteed price of , eg , wheat , standing at 165 ecus ( $225 ) per tonne — produces more than it needs , then dumps its surplus onto the world market .
7 This type of Credit is particularly popular in America where it is used ‘ to guarantee payments to shareholders in leveraged buy-outs , to receive reimbursement of the purchase price of a champion thoroughbred should it fail to sire offspring , and to underwrite the obligation of a boxing promoter to deliver the purse to the winner ’ ( Letters of Credit — Euromoney Publications ) .
8 This is particularly true of hymnody where words and music should be related and where the text is enriched by song .
9 It is particularly true in HFHL that much depends on the speaker .
10 This is particularly true in Uganda where the British-derived constitution was premised on a uniquely complex attempt to reconcile the interests of the four historic kingdoms , including Bunyoro and Buganda , with the new nation .
11 This is particularly common on motorways where trucks are overtaking at quite high speeds .
12 The skilful manipulation of space and light is particularly important for patients too ill to enjoy the open air .
13 This is particularly important in areas where the workload is even , such as many long-stay hospitals .
14 This is particularly important in schools where the microcomputers used e.g. the BBC-B , have a ready market for home use and are therefore vulnerable to theft .
15 It 's particularly easy in California where we have a great time advantage .
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