Example sentences of "[is] not necessarily a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble with all these lines is that when you get to a length exceeding about fifty miles ( 80km ) , the curvature of the Earth begins to become significant : a straight line on the map is not necessarily a straight line on the ground .
2 This is not necessarily a straightforward procedure ; some goals may not be initially apparent .
3 But this is not necessarily a simple task .
4 Pareto is clear that political activity is not necessarily a moralising activity ; on the contrary , the governing elite has to be able and willing to use violence , corruption , guilt and deceit to ensure public order , national independence and social conditions for the growth of national prosperity .
5 This is not necessarily a central problem , but the Kingman Report does recommend that pupils should understand something of the systematic nature of languages other than English .
6 Is not necessarily a poor reader .
7 As experience in the US or UK during the 1980s shows , a small state is not necessarily a weak state despite the rhetoric of claims that a limited state sector restores individual freedom and personal initiative .
8 Home burial is not necessarily a practical option available to all pet owners .
9 Being big is not necessarily a good thing : most organisms are bacteria and very few are elephants .
10 Complete freedom is not necessarily a good thing , as the newly retired often discover , nor is it easy to use effectively .
11 The study merely shows a positive relationship between market share and ROI and this is not necessarily a causal connection .
12 Commenting on this guideline in Capricorn Inks Pty Ltd v Lawter International ( Australasia ) Pty Ltd [ 1989 ] 1 Qd R 8 , at 15 , McPherson J said : … the existence of a " dispute " , although a factor , is not necessarily a decisive factor in determining whether arbitration or appraisement is involved .
13 However , compliance with the code is not necessarily a complete defence .
14 Use is not necessarily a major factor , and Peasgood 's article describing changes in allocations between faculties according to past use probably reflects the exception rather than the rule .
15 There is not necessarily a direct correlation between government ownership and the degree of government control .
16 A time-varying magnetic field creates an electric field as suggested by eqn ( 4.3 ) , but this is not necessarily a local relationship .
17 But this is not necessarily a bad thing .
18 writing in 1972 seemed in no doubt that UK graduates then constituted an elite ( which is not necessarily a bad thing ) .
19 A tough looker is not necessarily a tough fighter , and we should not do him the favour of allowing his warpaint to add to our problems .
20 It must be accepted that what we are collecting is people 's answers to questions , which is not necessarily a true picture of their activities .
21 This , however , is not necessarily a fair test of the family 's unpopularity .
22 This , however , is not necessarily a fair test of the family 's unpopularity .
23 A quiet life is not necessarily a rewarding life .
24 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
25 Most people never have any trouble so there is no need to be paranoid , but do be aware of the facts : the little word ‘ taxi ’ or ‘ minicab ’ written on a car is not necessarily an official certificate of good character .
26 ( Carol ) Coming to the Arbour is not necessarily an easy option , despite its positive results .
27 It is not necessarily an accurate description of the demands of the job , and the skill label may result more from the strength of the trade union or occupational group in maintaining that its members should continue to hold that position , than from a dispassionate assessment of the skill content of the job .
28 The size of the dog is not necessarily an accurate reflection of its barking abilities .
29 In this context , although Mr Lawson supports the ERM , he too would be , no doubt , a narrow-minded nationalist when faced with the prospect of European Monetary Union , as would increasing numbers of German economists who argue on the basis of economic research that EMU is not necessarily an attractive option .
30 It is not necessarily an ideal blue-print !
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