Example sentences of "[is] clear [that] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it is clear that a verdict of death aggravated by the lack of care may be a ‘ free-standing ’ verdict .
2 Firstly , it is clear that a transfer of responsibility has taken place between the different forms of provision .
3 From graph ( iii ) , it is clear that a demand for labour of OM ( greater than the labour force ) leads to an unemployment percentage of OU 1 .
4 To revert to my opening discussion for a moment , one might say that the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego represented above all in the taboos on incest and aggression against the father has become severely exacerbated and that , if Freud felt that in his day the balance was too far on the side of society and the superego , today it has swung too far in the direction of the individual and the id ; for it is clear that a balance between these two opposing fundamental forces is the essence of human existence .
5 However , because the success of a policy depends so heavily on the way it is devised and implemented , and because the experience of PNP raises such serious questions about the Authority 's role in this regard , it is clear that a review of Authority practices and procedures , as they affect primary education in the city , is now merited .
6 In other words , under the misappropriation theory it is clear that no breach of duty to the issuer of the securities traded in , is required , provided there has been a breach of duty to another person ; however , under Rule 14e-3 it is not necessary for any fiduciary duty to be owed or breached .
7 It is clear that the measure of damages for the conversion of a negotiable instrument is prima facie the face value , not the value as paper but it has been held that this principle is inapplicable to non-negotiable documents such as holiday credit stamps .
8 It is clear that the choice of signs for comparison will affect the results of such an exercise ; a balance must be sought between too small a number and too great .
9 It is clear that the views of the unions were ignored .
10 Yet there are some cases where it is clear that the views in the Commons were decisive .
11 Since it is clear that the vocation of hermit was officially recognised in the fourteenth century , the account of Richard 's pursuit of his calling points to parental opposition and possibly a reluctance on Richard 's part to commit himself to any officially supervised licensing .
12 However , it is clear that the monitoring of contracts is not a costless exercise and it is known from more aggregate economic studies that the administrative costs of health care systems embodying a significant market element are much higher than those of the NHS ( Maxwell , 1985 ) .
13 So far then , it is clear that the Secretary of State is going to Set his way .
14 It is clear that the Secretary of State has not a single idea on the issue .
15 It is clear that the issue of consent has not been effaced by Categories 1 and 2 .
16 At the time when rent levels were falling , some less profitable land also went out of cultivation ( although the extent of this is hard to measure ) , so it is clear that the fall in rents must have been due to a shortage of potential tenants rather than to a greater supply of land , which might have resulted from the clearance of forest or the reclamation of fenland .
17 Kerr includes a table of estimates in which it is clear that the ceilings of servants will be several feet lower , the cost of their rooms a mere quarter , and their floor space — despite their larger numbers — less than two-thirds of that allowed to the family .
18 It is clear that the core of the upper class certainly do differentiate themselves from the broader middle class , even if it suits them to call themselves ‘ middle class ’ when asked .
19 In making the choice between headhunting or in-house recruiting , it is clear that the crux of the matter is the level of appointment involved ; most employers do see a place for both methods .
20 It is clear that the proportion of abusers is very small ; it is equally clear that the vast majority of drinkers do not abuse alcohol at all .
21 To return to football hooliganism in Britain itself , it is clear that the existence of ‘ ends ’ at football grounds all over the country plays a central part in maintaining working-class boys ' street-based culture .
22 It is clear that the skin of each pillow must originally have been fairly flexible , since the base of each pillow characteristically sags into the gap between the ones below it .
23 If our concern is with the habitability of residential areas , it is clear that the prevention of accidents and the limitation of their severity must be the principal goal .
24 From this it is clear that the idea of breaking up L Detachment had been floated at headquarters , using the excuse of a shortage of manpower .
25 In addition it is clear that the route by which information becomes public knowledge may be crucial to determining whether it thereby loses the necessary quality of confidence .
26 In penance Hilton stresses contrition because it , rather than confession itself , signifies the reorientation of the will , although it is clear that the act of confession can also aid contrition .
27 The notice-board in the workroom contains heartfelt letters of thanks from those who have received their new books and it is clear that the sense of involvement in the lives of real and unfortunate people in the outside world draws a very positive response from the men involved .
28 By adopting these principles and developing an integrated engineering records data base it is clear that the performance of a CAD system can be enhanced and the information generated used as the core of all downstream manufacturing operations .
29 It is clear that the relationship between you and a resident is a very personal and intimate one .
30 The problem of the survival of the Aviti is a useful reminder of how little we know about the political structure of even our best evidenced sixth-century diocese ; but from the evidence which we do have it is clear that the exercise of episcopal power in the Auvergne was no simple matter .
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