Example sentences of "[is] [Wh det] [pers pn] want [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The flagship of the British labour movement , nothing less , that 's the vision , that 's what we want to try and create and that 's what we want to come back to you and tell you about the prospects next year .
2 All I know how to do is write songs , and that 's what I want to do because I would like people to feel as good as I did when I heard a song for the first time . ’
3 But this time I decided it 's what I want to do and bugger it .
4 So how do you try a new song to make sure that it blends that it 's what you want to do that it 's different how do what where do you try if you do n't try on stage ?
5 But once again on the phone you have to tell them that 's what you want to discuss when you come round .
6 And as I said earlier on is how the key to this is how to construct such a policy that would protect the interests of the county in a general environmental sense , give local authorities the freedom in their local plans to set their stall out if that is what they want to do and er whilst avoiding provoking a rash of speculative developments erm er all over the place .
7 It is what they want to learn and at the speed they want to learn it .
8 I do n't know if I 'm unique , I suspect I 'm not but I go to my two design people and I say right blah blah blah this is what we want to do but you organise the printer I want you as the designer to find a printer that you can work with but here 's my timescale and it 's up to them
9 Well I think what we want to do is to find out the truth from the hype and the emotion , that is what we want to establish and I 'm sure we will correct it if there is any injustice .
10 If I kill myself , which is what I want to do because I ca n't bear this misery , then I will go to hell .
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