Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] eye " in BNC.

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1 Because they are so faint , not a single one is visible to the naked eye .
2 This stripe , which gives rise to the alternative name for this area , the striate cortex , is visible to the naked eye in sections of the human brain .
3 It is a majestic ciliated sphere , the largest known sperm of any organism , plant or animal , so big that a single one is visible to the naked eye .
4 However , there are two exceptions : the Magellanic Clouds , so named because they were recorded by the Portuguese explorer Magellan in his voyage round the world — though they must have been noticed earlier , because they are very bright — and the Large Cloud is visible with the naked eye even in moonlight .
5 The Eta Carinæ nebula is visible with the naked eye .
6 It is visible with the naked eye , and its position close to Eta and Mu makes it very easy to locate .
7 It is visible with the naked eye , and with × 12 I have suspected individual stars ; with × 20 there is undoubtedly some degree of resolution .
8 Pollux is a K-type star , whose orange colour is noticeable with the naked eye and unmistakable in binoculars ; Castor is white , and is an interesting multiple system , though binoculars show it as single .
9 The cluster is identifiable with the naked eye , and is clear with binoculars .
10 Although very little of the red underpainting is discernible to the naked eye in the finished portrait , its effect is perceptible in the freshness of the skin tones and the convincing wholesomeness of the flesh .
11 As the magnitude is above 6 , it is detectable with the naked eye under very good conditions , but it is rather isolated , and takes time to identify .
12 In Aragon , as in Valencia , there were great agrarian contrasts , emphasizing the historic contrast between the mountain core of the old kingdom and the reconquered territories where Arab influence , even today , is apparent to the architectural eye .
13 Although infra-red light is invisible to the human eye , it can be detected by special photographic film ; in general , the amount of infra-red light reflected from a plant depends on its ripeness , so that infra-red photographs can produce good-contrast images of crop marks that may be hardly visible on ordinary photographic film or to the eye .
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