Example sentences of "[vb mod] seem to [be] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In some ways , life must seem to be a very cruel joke to millions of people on this earth .
2 At first glance this might seem to be a more straightforward operation than gathering membership statistics — after all , attenders are visible on church premises and therefore easily counted .
3 This last might seem to be the most likely possibility but , if so , we are presented with yet another mystery : how can a theory which works so well for black holes not work equally well for their direct counterparts , white holes ?
4 Those defendants awaiting trial in custody might seem to be the most seriously disadvantaged by delay and they do tend to take priority .
5 There was , however , another child , a William Hoby , whose pedigree was a little doubtful and whose very birth would seem to be a little obscure .
6 To some extent they are an elaboration of the ‘ pathfinder ’ approach developed in the USA , and would seem to be a more inspiring approach than the typical literature guide .
7 The investigation of what writers typically do when marking the structure of their texts would seem to be a more appropriate goal of discourse analysis .
8 Fourteen days would seem to be a more reasonable period though the landlord may be concerned that this could leave little time for it to make a considered response where the notice is subject to a time restriction .
9 This would seem to be a more constructive approach than simply locking up individuals .
10 The appropriateness of that kind of question for understanding the nature of science in a fundamental way is brought into question when it is pointed out that there is what would seem to be a fairly straightforward distinction between some state of affairs and judgements about that state of affairs made by individuals or groups .
11 However this would seem to be no more awkward an issue of fact than those which dally confront the criminal courts .
12 However , in principle this would seem to be the most promising avenue to explore to furnish us with a better understanding of causal relations .
13 In this latter respect , government policy ( or the threat of intervention ) would seem to be the most significant factor tending to remove authority over collective bargaining to the national confederations.9 Attempts to align the outcome of wage negotiations with macroeconomic policy objectives have been one factor which has tended to raise the level of bargaining and it has played a significant role at certain periods in countries such as Holland , Norway and Austria .
14 Such food fortification programmes would seem to be the most practical method in countries where no major improvement in dietary intake is anticipated .
15 However , in the long run , of the poetry of Coleridge , his concern for the condition of humanity would seem to be the most vital concern , of both himself , of those around him , and of the nation .
16 If there was any time when radical land reform would have succeeded , it was during nineteen forty eight to nineteen forty nine , and it 's precisely that time looking into an area which would seem to be the most favourable for radical land reform , they have not taken that opportunity .
17 Yet it is clear that his approach was overwhelmingly based upon Marx 's reproduction schemata , and it would seem to be an entirely legitimate use of the concepts embodied in Marx 's work .
18 If we alter the lexis , we can arrive at what would seem to be an entirely normal expression :
19 This introduction to a scene and the gradual unfolding of the action within it may seem to be a rather academic restriction on the freedom of the cameraman , but it is a most important movie-making technique because it gives the viewer the feeling of involvement as a participant in the exploration of the location .
20 This may seem to be a rather unsurprising observation , but I feel it has very important consequences for arts education , underlining as it does the unease teachers feel about examinations in these subjects .
21 This ‘ ancient heritage ’ may seem to be a purely ideological device — but it is more than just a myth .
22 As often with Anselm , what may seem to be a merely personal , or even sentimental sympathy , also illustrates a deep-seated belief in the power of growth within a monastic community .
23 Well I hope this article clearly shows how to one fishkeeper a species can seem so easy he/she can not stop them breeding , while for another it can seem to be the most difficult fish in the world .
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