Example sentences of "[vb mod] be brought [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Also in an ideal calendar , the Grand Slam Cup should be brought forward to the end of October , 4–5 weeks after the US Open , which would not only give the players a brief chance to relax but then to prepare for the ‘ tour finale ’ on an indoor surface .
2 I feel that children should be brought up with the idea of doing the best they can — for themselves . ’
3 And he ordered that his daughters should be brought up in the studies beseeming dames .
4 The Gotobeds led a bad life to his strict way of thinking , gambling and travelling and pleasuring themselves , and he said Louisa should be brought up in the fear of the Lord . ’
5 ‘ The outcome of a meeting with the ESF was that BASI should be brought closer to the European equivalence .
6 This , the Committee believed , should be brought about by the establishment of education advisory services with one adviser per 20,000 population and with a minimum staff of fifteen to ensure adequate curriculum cover .
7 The realization principle should be brought out in the discussion of this asset .
8 Eventually , he mentioned the present writer and suggested that I should be brought in on the matter as I had already knowledge of one or two other cases .
9 He should be brought in at the earliest stages to advise on venues — which would save time , money and frustration .
10 In 1724 Peter I ordered that all papers relating to foreign policy should be brought together in the college archive ; and work on this continued for the next two decades .
11 In short , all existing and future minerals planning permissions must be brought up to the environmental standards expected today , and provision must be made for a regular upgrading of standards in the future .
12 New workstations installed after 1st January 1993 must comply fully from the outset , and all others must be brought up to the standard by December 31st , 1995 .
13 All new workstations installed from 1st January 1993 will have to comply with the Regulations from the outset , and pre-existing workstations must be brought up to the standard by the end of 1996 .
14 Prosecutions under s20 , in common with other consumer protection legislation ( for example s19(1) of TDA 1968 ) , must be brought either by the end of the period of three years from the day that the offence was committed , or within one year of its discovery by the prosecutor , whichever is the earlier ( s20(5) ) .
15 In 1917 the eugenist and social purist , the Rev. James Marchant confidently pronounced : ‘ It is now being fully recognized that all moral reforms for the regeneration of mankind must be brought about by the combination of religion and science . ’
16 And then er they returned the line , or double track round here , er and bringing so goods wagons could be brought round into the sort of unloading area er of 's mill .
17 In some cities there was an additional pilgrim station where special pilgrim trains could be brought directly to the pilgrimage area without having to cause alarm or inconvenience to European residents .
18 The Lord Llewellyn had expected them to act inside , but there was no way in which the pageant could be brought in through the doors .
19 However there are many passages in the General Theory in which Keynes asserted that , even if a similar reduction in w could be brought about via the route of money wage cuts ( and we have suggested above that money wage cuts will not have this effect ) , workers would be unwilling to allow their money wages to fall .
20 Trusts depended on actions in personam ; action could be brought only against the trustee .
21 If Haser could be brought down by the Swiss for money-laundering , so the theory went , then he would have no reason to dig the hole he was in any deeper by embarrassing the CIA with gratuitous revelations about the agency 's arms deals with Saddam Hussein .
22 In this way , provided they are given guidance on the type and volume of work expected , schools could be brought back into the mainstream of assessing their own pupils ' work instead of being totally dependent on the success or failure of the guessing games they play with the examiner .
23 The reasonableness of bringing some element of quality into even a strictly hedonistic system may be brought out by the following thought experiment .
24 These different elements may be brought together in the following generalization of ( 9–12 ) : where r is the ( exogenous ) constant rate of interest .
25 The idea was that , by raising the standards of these deprived areas , the children in them would be brought up to the levels of those in more privileged communities , and would then be able to compete with them on equal terms later in their educational careers .
26 A train of empty wagons was hauled by locomotive to the quarry entrance while a train of full wagons would be brought up from the quarry .
27 As they left the embassy , those who had arrived in cars were invited to leave their keys , and in return were promised that their vehicles would be brought eventually to the West .
28 ‘ — a high quality of legal advice , experience and competence in conducting and managing cases of this sort ; — the greater likelihood that all potential plaintiffs would be brought in from the outset , assisting the conduct of the case and giving greater certainty to defendants ; — the co-ordinated organisation of claims , research , expert opinions and pre-trial procedures . ’
29 At night-time we noticed that the most sophisticated anti-missile systems which Iraq possessed would be brought silently into the derelict yard behind the hotel , manned by figures who were dressed in black and wearing black balaclavas .
30 I should like to speak longer , because the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) spoke about the losses that he envisages would be incurred by the development of the station at King 's Cross , and if I had the time I should love to expand on the economic benefits that could be achieved in employment terms , the environmental benefits that would accrue to the area and the safety benefits that would be brought about by the Fennell provisions in the Bill .
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