Example sentences of "[vb mod] be expected [prep] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A house which has been associated with such dramatic deeds might be expected to be broodingly sinister , but in fact Huntingtower is a delightful example of a castle which was progressively adapted to become a fine residence .
2 On this theory some potencies would contain more shape-specific molecules than others and some would contain longer chain polymers than others , so some potencies might be expected to be more efficacious than others in treatment .
3 Given these premises , then , and Moffat 's distaste notwithstanding that it would imply ‘ democracies reduced resort monarchy as weapon against Communism ’ , one wonders what else , apart from outright rejection , the US might have done when the French turned towards ex-Emperor Bao Dai : at least as a rallying point for non-communist Vietnamese nationalists and , of course , as someone who might be expected to be more amenable to French influence than Ho Chi Minh .
4 Given also the evidence of the weak performance of younger students with more marginal traditional qualifications , it seems likely that if these students gained entry to higher education on the basis of non-traditional qualifications that their success rates might be expected to be more limited .
5 Class bias might be expected to be less in the US , where tertiary education is less restricted and social class is often claimed to be less important .
6 The weight of a kibble of ore would depend upon the size and richness of its contents but might be expected to be around 175 lb. , whilst a quintal was one cwt .
7 On the point of commenting scathingly that not everyone could be expected to be as cold-blooded as he was , Gina hesitated , finally deciding that in this case discretion was certainly the better part of valour .
8 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
9 The relations between the labour organisation and the government or the party of independence , and hence the status of these actors … may be expected to be quite different in these two types of situations .
10 The fact that there is a difference comes as no surprise , after all , a completely empty , uneventful drive through a junction would be expected to be both less memorable and less risky than an occasion when the junction was full of traffic .
11 Tasks representative of criterion 2a would be expected to be more demanding than those for 1a and this was indeed the case .
12 All this is consistent with the absence of any effect of oil work in urban areas ( table II ) : rural post code sectors already supporting many construction workers ( and Highlands Region has one of the highest levels of such workers in Britain ) would be expected to be less affected by oil work than similar areas without such earlier ‘ exposure ’ ( that is , those in which the recent impact score was high ) .
13 ‘ She felt pressurised that she would be expected to be as career-orientated as she was before having the baby , ’ says Sandra , ‘ so she works with us because we are relaxed about it — if she does n't want to work on Wednesday , that 's fine , she can work on Friday instead .
14 It was a time when strikes were being blamed for most of the country 's ills , and Lord Hodson said : ‘ The injury and suffering caused by strike action is very often widespread as well as devastating and a threat to strike would be expected to be certainly no less serious than a threat of violence . ’
15 When a higher-level index is first added , it can be expected to be less than one track in size .
16 Kenner 's fantasy is being discussed in terms of the view — with which Kenner can be expected to be very familiar — that the goals of a biographically-minded criticism are in some measure fantastic .
17 If the government increases the money supply to increase the price level to engineer a fall in the real wage , actors can be expected to be fully aware of this and hence to adjust the nominal wage so that no real purchase on the economy can be obtained .
18 Growing in excess of 400mm , Synodontis schall can be expected to be quite long lived , provided it is well cared for in the aquarium .
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