Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] reduced to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Commenting on Melby 's ‘ pessimistic but valuable appraisal ’ the US Minister at Saigon ( Heath ) felt it necessary to balance it with local French military opinion that , barring Chinese intervention or a massive increase in their aid to the Vietminh , guerrilla and terrorist activities could be reduced to a policing problem within two years .
2 A charge of manslaughter can still result in a custodial sentence although for a child as young as ten it could be reduced to a supervision order .
3 When his physical rehabilitation could be reduced to a maintenance level of about one session per fortnight , he started to attend the City University where the City Dysphasic Group organized special programmes in communication skills for adults who had suffered head injuries or strokes .
4 It was assumed that all learning could be reduced to a series of conditioned reflexes .
5 However , Jarrow and Rudd ; have shown that if and where while to the APT may be reduced to the CAPM , where .
6 The opposition Civic Forum earlier described the talks as constructive , amid growing opposition optimism that the Communists would be reduced to a minority in the new government .
7 Such data management operations take up a lot of the computer 's operating time ; in a computer based on FRAMs they would be reduced to a minimum .
8 Both sides welcomed the Vietnamese commitment to withdraw their troops from Kampuchea ; the level of armed forces along the Sino-Soviet border would be reduced to a minimum , and any remaining territorial differences would be resolved on the basis of international law .
9 The Cabinet shall be reduced to a minimum .
10 The outcome of the talks remained unclear but leading figures in the opposition Civic Forum were optimistic that the Communists will be reduced to a minority in the new coalition government .
11 It 's the same common fear that I will fall apart , physically and emotionally , that I will be reduced to a pile of tattered pulp , that I will never be loved by anyone , that I will fail , like … like — ’
12 When this applies , the average seek time will be reduced to a half , two thirds , etc. , of average head movement time , as the information will be available in main storage — so saving a seek — in an equivalent proportion of cases .
13 Carry over the assumptions of psychological determinism and the new nature of the Christian will be reduced to a figure of speech .
14 The number of nuclear firepower in Russia will return to the level of the Seventies and the US will be reduced to the level of 25 years ago .
15 ‘ The statement of compliance with the Cadbury Code will be reduced to the sort of anodyne stuff you sadly read about the employment of disabled people in directors ’ reports .
16 Can we not do more even than we 're doing at the moment to restore to the centre of the life of the church the glorious concept of a team of pastoral care and a high command of power strategy in which dominance by ministers will be reduced to the minimum in order that together we may be ready to let the lifeblood of Christ flow through us in such a way that we will be better able to welcome the twenty first century in his name .
17 Texts are always ambiguous since their meaning depends not only on the lexical and syntactical structure , in which ambiguity , according to Olson and others , can be reduced to a minimum , but also on paralinguistic , contextual structures , of which interpretation can never be exhaustive .
18 Modern microprocessors and computer technology have made such rapid advances that telecommunications and internal communications systems are now in compact units without plugs , switches , or buttons : just small keyboards with touch-sensitive depressions , some with small visual display units ( VDUs ) which can show at a glance the status of all calls being handled and prompt the operator through every procedure so that training can be reduced to a minimum .
19 These , together with marksheets and LEA reports , are produced on a turnround basis ; specific computer files are created at the point of printing the forms so that subsequent data entry can be reduced to a minimum of keystrokes .
20 The rest of it can be reduced to a combination of techniques and practice .
21 According to at least some physicists , life can be reduced to a matter of information-processing .
22 By carefully controlling the drying rates in large kilns the time for seasoning can be reduced to a matter of days or weeks .
23 If a passage can be reduced to a set of elementary propositions of the kind approximately represented in [ 9 ] , can we not regard this as the neutral , " styleless " version against which all other paraphrases , such as [ 8 ] , are stylistically marked in varying degrees ?
24 Most complicated jobs can be reduced to a sequence of relatively simple operations to be approached step by step .
25 An abstract reaction mechanism , where the chemical reactions are at most second order and give a detailed mass balance when the system is closed , can be reduced to the system [ 40 ] : ( 2.5 ) unc The unc are concentrations of reactants that are held constant , giving an open system , and the hi are rate constants : thus the a and the hi are positive .
26 Ignoring , for the present , the body forces , consider any area S in the body with normal n , and let Q be a point on S. Then in statics it is shown that any system of forces acting on a body can be reduced to the sum of a force F , say , and a couple G acting at the point Q. In the limit of infinitesimal area the ratio F/S tends to a limit — , the traction at Q , while in classical elasticity the ratio G/S is supposed to vanish .
27 Here we shall briefly remind the reader of the theory of one dimension , outline that for three dimensions ( noting in passing that it can be reduced to the product of one-dimensional walks ) and then give the Markoff chain theory , which is often not included in elementary tests .
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