Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] sure [that] [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This will no doubt be welcome , but before accepting it the company should be sure that it is aware of all the consequences of doing so and can handle them .
2 This will no doubt be welcome , but before accepting it the company should be sure that it is aware of all the consequences of doing so and can handle them .
3 ‘ We must be sure that they are alive to the evidence here , no less than in the East , that socialism does not work . ’
4 You must be sure that it 's over … ? ’
5 It is not an easy ride , by any means , and you must be sure that it is what you really want to do .
6 What I am saying is that a lot of the common English objections to Ezra Pound have substance , and would be worth taking seriously , if only we could be sure that they were advanced in good faith , in humility , and with compassion .
7 Soon their captors would be out again , driven into the night by the terror above their heads , but now Allen and Marian by keeping the Tower behind them could be sure that they were moving in the direction of the forest .
8 Researchers working on the biochemistry of learning and memory needed to develop new model systems , in which the changes we sought to identify would be big enough to be measured , yet in which we could be sure that they were n't simply artefacts .
9 You 'd travel down to the game on a Saturday , and if you met a Leeds fan at the train station , you could be sure that they were the best mate he 'd ever had , and they 'd tell you all the latest gossip that he 'd told them the last time they were out for a few pints .
10 If you see any star of comparable brightness , you may be sure that it is T. Pyxis is included on the chart with Puppis .
11 In this way you will be sure that you are breathing from the stomach .
12 I would like to see contractors ' charging policy completely reviewed , so we can be sure that we are not locked into ‘ historic costing methods ’ that fail to recognise the considerable advances in main and service laying technology .
13 One can hardly blame them but you can be sure that they are not thinking that those poor people in the audience must be feeling hungry — they simply want to increase their profits .
14 Peter immediately replied , ‘ I would like Susie to give up work and stay at home , so that I can be sure that she is not cheating on me and not planning to leave . ’
15 If you see a picture of a golfing great with his hands well in front of the clubhead at impact , you can be sure that he is either playing the type of shot I have just mentioned or he could be squeezing the ball out of a tight lie .
16 With Kenco Ground Coffee you can be sure that you are getting the best , because since it was established in 1922 , Kenco has acquired a long-established history as traditional coffee makers .
17 If we see a plane in the air we can be sure that it was not assembled by randomly throwing scrap metal together , because we know that the odds against a random conglomeration 's being able to fly are too great .
18 But if I sympathize and help , or gloat and take opportunities to add to his difficulties , in neither case with any prospect of advantage to myself , you can be sure that I am indeed aware of how he feels .
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