Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] be found in the " in BNC.

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1 The clinical signs are likely to be few , and since most of the damage occurs during the prepatent phase , eggs may not be found in the urine .
2 If it had become axiomatic that the author ( or ‘ scriptor ’ in Ricardou 's terminology ) had become decentred and that the novel could not represent any psychological or social reality , then the origins of a text could only be found in the self-generating aspect of language itself .
3 The French chef from Montreal was not there , I soon discovered , because he was a she , and could only be found in the women 's changing room .
4 A bourgeoisie on the European pattern , distinct in outlook from the oligarchy that controlled the municipal government and the guilds , could only be found in the merchants and shippers of the great ports .
5 A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a cheque for £25,000 from the Master of the Merchant Venturers to support the Campaign for Resource , although those in the know nearly had heart failure when the Master could not be found in the crowded room as the time for the presentation approached .
6 It said the MPs offered no factual material that could not be found in the report .
7 Any piece of rotten meat that could still be found in the enclave was slipped over an improvised fish hook , attached to a rope and hurled over the parapet in the vain hope of catching a jackal or a pariah dog that might swallow it .
8 When she was missing on the set , she could always be found in the stars ' dressing-rooms .
9 This large collection contains nothing which could n't be found in the libraries of a major city such as Middenheim or Altdorf ( allow any scholarly type an Int test to realize this ) , except for the Chaos/heresy works , which would be restricted-access in the temples .
10 Rifts persistently occur within the human race , and one important cause could well be found in the tendency of human beings to group themselves together and rally around a particular banner for no other reason than to be able to identify another group as an ‘ enemy ’ upon whom can be laid the blame for hardship and misery suffered ; suffering which it has not been possible to attribute to any obvious cause .
11 A parallel for this could well be found in the work of Sidonius 's friend Syagrius , a " Solon " active among the Burgundians by 470 .
12 The usual proxy for the market in the UK is the FT All Share Index and this may also be found in the r m S. For October-December 1986 the return on the market was 28 per cent and the standard deviation of this was 14 per cent .
13 They may even be found in the Link trainer or , perhaps , in the Navigation Section !
14 The answer to this may well be found in the careers taken up by history graduates .
15 He pointed out that although they would automatically have carried out such precautions , water would always be found in the deeper parts of the mine .
16 Of the 45,622 tokens in the corpus sample that would ideally be found in the dictionary ( ignoring non-alphabetic combinations and enclitics ) , 95% ( 43,490 ) were found in the dictionary as they stood .
17 That the petitioners beg earnestly to press the consideration of these circumstances upon the Presbytery in the hope that they shall use every effort to obtain services of some servant of Christ who may promote his cause among so neglected and spiritually destitute a community , to which perhaps a parallel will not be found in the Highlands of Scotland .
18 Morton went everywhere , boldly going where no man , except possibly George Borrow , had gone before , and visiting more locations in his tiny motor car than will ever be found in the recorded voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise .
19 Once an interaction has been found in one of the effects in a table such as figure 13.10 , it will also be found in the other .
20 A clue to these will often be found in the Sale of Goods Act .
21 A partial explanation for this may again be found in the 1925 precedent .
22 Without discounting the possibility that sources may yet be found in the mountains of China , present indications are that jade was already reaching China in Neolithic times by the route followed during the Bronze Age and down to the time of Sir Aurel Stein 's travels in inner Asia at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries .
23 The reason can perhaps be found in the fact that company law as an academic discipline boasts no long and distinguished pedigree .
24 Reasons can only be found in the unique significance of human life and in the need to mark out , and to prevent , conduct which causes its loss .
25 This does not mean that they can not be found in the world ; a child may wonder what shape or arrangement a triangle is , and have it pointed out to him .
26 ‘ There is nothing in the project of the constitutional committee that can not be found in the most authentic and solemn fashion in the different codes of Spanish laws . ’
27 Interviewed by Radio France Internationale on Aug. 28 , the exiled Ghannouchi described the trials as " unjust because they address false problems … the remedy can not be found in the barracks " .
28 Evald08 , for example , contained over 63 million paths , but the utterance — You may wonder what happens to our boys and girls and the answer can best be found in the pages of the old boys and girls magazine — is 22 words long .
29 Among the earliest souvenirs to be hawked to the victorious Allied troops who marched into Beirut on 8 October 1917 was a horrific picture postcard , old copies of which can still be found in the antiquarian bookshop that sells the David Roberts lithographs on Makhoul Street .
30 I feel this is possibly not a good thing at this present time , when every spectrum of Rottweiler size , shape and type can still be found in the show ring : further expansions of the gene pool can only have a destructive effect .
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