Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] put a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is n't one , I 'll just put a space in
2 I 'll just put a ring in pencil , round the ones that are okay .
3 I 'll soon put a stop to that . ’
4 I 'll soon put a stop to that !
5 That 'll soon put a stop to Nesbit 's historical research … put a stop to history altogether . ’
6 ‘ If you miss the heart , you might still put a hole through something vital .
7 Then if I want to put a bit of ‘ plate ’ or ‘ room ’ on , I 'll either put a bit on when I 'm recording it , by putting it through an effect , or using the guitar player 's FX .
8 So I said I did n't want to deal through somebody who was n't really gon na be fighting in our corner , and I 'd rather put a paper to their committee an and tell them where the problems were , and ask how they were gon na get round them .
9 The Abbey National was less sanguine : ‘ This could effectively put a seal on the property market to the end of the year , ’ said a spokesman .
10 He thought that it would be Tessa who 'd yell , so he 'd already put a hand across her mouth .
11 An aquarium only became necessary when I could not put a name to even some of the commoner intertidal fish , in the short time that the tide was out .
12 There was something in his attitude which worried Wycliffe but he could not put a finger on it .
13 you know you could always put a bit of paint on it
14 I could n't put a price on his head , ’ said Keegan .
15 He looked … well , she could n't put a name to how he looked .
16 There was a strange sort of hissing in the bracken to the west which I could n't put a name to .
17 God was something that you glimpsed in only your rarest moments , and could n't put a name to .
18 Rex made a peculiar face of his own , but I could n't put a name to it .
19 As she watched the door swing gently to a close behind him , Lindsey was left with the crazy feeling that she must have imagined those few seconds when something , even if she could n't put a name to it , had passed between them .
20 With a rush of emotion she could n't put a name to Luce realised that her first instinctive feeling about him had been absolutely right .
21 He came back with a brace of fish of a species she could n't put a name to .
22 I could n't put a name on her treatment of me , no word existed for what she was trying to do , but I knew I was being manipulated under the guise of deference and consideration .
23 I mean you could n't put a stranger on a job that you , you yourself .
24 But once you were qualified for the job you could n't put a stranger on you had to ta teach that stranger a job .
25 You could n't put a porch on the front of that .
26 The manager of the neighbouring pig farm could n't put a figure to his losses , but thought them considerable , especially in May and June , when fox cubs start hunting their own food .
27 They could n't put a cloth over it , you know , like I had that night when the Corporal rushed , parang drawn , into my room at the O. T. X-Ray .
28 She could even put a name to his American fiancée .
29 I could even put a tag on a few customers .
30 He could neither put a stop to the gossip nor put William on trial .
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