Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] longer [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He began by saying that people were starving to death , and it got more pessimistic from then on : the resettlement camps , the ensuing dislocation which meant people could no longer grow their food , the dying children .
2 Trent could no longer contain his loathing for the Latino .
3 At this point I could no longer contain my curiosity and rushed through to see what he looked like as he said it , thinking of all the teachers I know who would cherish these rare kind words .
4 I could no longer contain my emotion , but going down on my knees I wept as quietly as I could for quite a long while .
5 But I could no longer bear my life to be shrouded in the Guérigny grief .
6 Those four years left a black cloud over everything with the ever-recurring casualties among our friends and relatives and the suffocating misery I remember when our parents could no longer hide their anxiety at the big German push in the spring of 1918 when it seemed their advance towards Paris would never stop .
7 Modigliani 's health deteriorated , he was drinking and smoking more , taking hashish , so that he could no longer hide his ill-health behind his good looks and gaiety of manner .
8 Charles and Diana could no longer pretend their marriage was working and both knew their only chance of future happiness lay in being honest .
9 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ Artemis told the woman , moving slightly away from her so that the finger could no longer reach her chin .
10 He could no longer read their position on the Loran let alone see the coast and the mouth of the Makaa River which remained his goal .
11 She was the last person living to speak the language of the native islanders , so it was a pity that she could no longer use her tongue , except now and then to rasp out a harsh fragment of a song .
12 He realized that he could no longer trust his wife .
13 During the first decade of the twentieth century it became apparent that Britain could no longer sustain its role as an independent makeweight in the European balance of power .
14 With the spotlight on him , Mr Getty could no longer keep his bolt-hole in the Ritz private and was shortly settling into Sutton Place , the Duke of Sutherland 's Tudor manor house in Surrey , with seventy-two rooms and 750 acres .
15 He could remember that , although he could no longer recall her face .
16 He could no longer run his course in one place , and simply leave a continent to start again .
17 Autonomous enterprises , for instance , will no longer yield their surplus automatically to the central government ( one of the reasons for the collapse in the Soviet tax base and the widening budget deficit ) .
18 The civilians caugh ( in this week 's crossfire may no longer put their trust in UN protection .
19 Our current cultural experience has revealed that the premise of a grand historical narrative presenting a unified cultural progression centred on interests that are male and European , and only dealing with activities engaged in by the minority in social and political control , can no longer compel our assent .
20 And a few lines later we read : ‘ A master who turns out his ass or his dog because the animal can no longer earn its keep manifests a small mind ’ ( 1963 : 240 ) .
21 But he says , ‘ vendors can no longer measure their credibility as a service supplier by the number of services they offer to the market ’ .
22 Since Goneril and Regan can no longer inflict their evil upon Lear while he is absent , they have to eventually turn against each other .
23 He or she can feel a very real , very deep sense of nausea at the intrusion , and often find that they can no longer regard their house as home .
24 He lost entitlement to free prescriptions ; he also had to pay £24 for dental treatment , and he can no longer claim his hospital fares unless they cost more than £8.50 .
25 Essentially the Finance Act 1986 has left the IHTA 1984 provisions intact but there are a number of changes , the most substantial one being that if an individual gives property to another individual , or an accumulation and maintenance trust , or a trust for the disabled and survives the gift by seven years and the gift is not subject to reservations ( the taxpayer can no longer have his cake and eat it ) no inheritance tax at all is payable .
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