Example sentences of "[subord] the first [noun sg] war the " in BNC.

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1 Since the First World War the railways in the developed world have been in decline , their role usurped by motor transport and in particular the car .
2 Thus , the 1784 election led to 17 unbroken years of Pitt as prime minister ; after the First World War the coalition stayed on in name but the Conservatives won 335 seats in 1918 ; Churchill 's Great Coalition presaged the Labour landslide of 1945 and the iniquities of the Lib-Lab Pact were a major factor in Mrs Thatcher 's victory in 1979 .
3 After the First World War the town thrived briefly , but in later decades achieved a near-dormitory state , having been discovered by couples wishing to retire from the frenetic life in the larger urban conurbations .
4 After the First World War the Midland continued to expand by opening branches , and by 1939 it had 2,100 .
5 After the first world war the line became part of the Southern Railway and on summer Saturdays special trains hauled by massive locomotives brought hundreds of holiday-makers from London and the North .
6 After the First World War the term ‘ regional planning ’ was used extensively , the new practice representing a significant extension to planning practice .
7 After the First World War the voluntary hospitals faced a severe and growing financial crisis .
8 After the First World War the coverage of unemployment insurance was extended and a contributory pension scheme was introduced .
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