Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] [adv] [been] able " in BNC.

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1 Although I have n't been able to convince myself . ’
2 In particular , the number of stopping places available to them has been drastically reduced over a period of three or four decades during which the travelling population has been on the increase , although I have not been able to discover the measure of it .
3 After the yard was the house that was built for , and due , so much more life than I 'd ever been able to give it .
4 My home is 90 miles away , so I have n't been able to afford to go back very often .
5 The original bouquet for this picture was exceptionally large , so I have not been able to reproduce a life-sized replica but instead have scaled it down to fit into a picture frame .
6 What , really , has it done for Daisy — if I had not been able to help materially ?
7 But I can assure you that I would n't have lasted five minutes in what , by any standards , is a very tricky and difficult market if I had n't been able to cope with the work .
8 Thank you for all your contributions over the last year , and please accept my apologies if I have n't been able to use an article that you 've sent , hopefully the next issue will contain those for which due to lack of space I was unable to include this time .
9 I have been able to do the washing cos I have n't been able
10 Still , it was the hangover of that piece of moral cowardice at Lochgair station , along with everything else , that led to me feeling so profoundly awful with myself that evening ( after the train finally did get into Queen Street and I walked back , soaked and somehow no longer hungry , in the rain to the empty flat in Grant Street ) , that mum had to call me there , because I had n't been able to bring myself to phone her and dad … and I still managed to feign sleep and a little shame and a smattering of sorrow and reassure her as best I could that really I was all right , yes of course , not to worry , I was fine , thanks for calling … and so of course after that felt even worse .
11 I was getting hungry and frustrated because I had n't been able to enjoy any of it .
12 I even carried out a double-bluff of appearing slightly guilty for the wrong reasons , so that adults told me I should n't blame myself because I had n't been able to warn Paul in time .
13 ‘ It has been a difficult year because I have n't been able to get into the side . ’
14 I did do that along with Ron and er they were speaking in terms of er a conjurer at under a pound a time and thing of that nature which should then come to a the pensioner 's category at Poole , so I took it back to Stuart and he said oh see what I can do Norman , and at the present moment it rests there because I have n't been able to contact Stuart at the moment owed to the holiday , but I shall be contacting him and hopefully we will also be doing two days , which is the Tuesday and the Thursday , also what they , er , he 's , he 's promised to do is to come half way with the cost of the jazz band , which is a great help .
15 ‘ Only because I have n't been able to prove it yet .
16 I suspect that is merely because I have always been able to anticipate when a fox is likely to be present as the result of scent , footprints and tell-tale evidence around the burrow mouth .
17 but ever since I 've never been able to handle it like I drink , sort of shove a few
18 Erm whilst I 've not been able to produce an audited er set of accounts I do have er a set of figures for you erm and as you said at the the beginning of your opening er speech Mr Chairman that erm we had one or two losses during the year , those er in actual fact did n't erm affect us in thi this particular financial year as they were aimed at the September December period , but therefore they will be reflected in next year 's figures not or in the current year 's figures or the next annual general meeting 's figures .
19 I 've taken suspects to the police station when I have n't been able to break them down , and I 've told my inspector exactly what 's happened , he 's got the whole picture and then he 's closed the door and called the man in , closed the door .
20 I was allowed to record each group and I found the transcribing of the tapes less arduous as I had also been able to make notes .
21 For Hardy , who had written in a letter to Thomas Macquoid , ‘ I am glad you like Tess — though I have not been able to put on paper all that she is , or was , to me ’ , it was ‘ the beginning of the end of his career as a novelist ’ .
22 With × 20 it is easy , though I have not been able to obtain any definite resolution into stars without using a telescope .
23 With × 12 it is easy , and with × 20 quite distinctive , though I have never been able to resolve even its outer parts without using a telescope .
24 Some people have likened it to a teapot , though I have never been able to make out why .
25 With × 20 it is not hard to locate , somewhat to the northwest of Zeta and in the same field with it ; I can glimpse it with × 12 and suspect it with × 8.5 , though I have never been able to see it with any lower magnification .
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