Example sentences of "[subord] secretary of [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But he will have to deal with the new Urban Regeneration Agency , whose chairman is the former cabinet minister , Peter Walker , a Tory wet , who pursued a blatantly interventionist and un-Thatcherite policy while secretary of state for Wales .
2 Lord Joseph 's reign as Secretary of State for Education saw an even greater emphasis on the improvement of quality in education , a theme pursued in his Better Schools White Paper in 1985 .
3 He is ducking out of his responsibilities as Secretary of State for Education and Science , just as he did on health .
4 After appointing Thorneycroft as Secretary of State for Defence in July 1962 , Macmillan decided that the time was ripe to take a further step in the gradual process of integrating the management of the Services .
5 Harold Watkinson had not survived as Secretary of State for Defence long enough to see his counter-reformation completed , but he did have the satisfaction of knowing that , had it not been for his efforts to swing the pendulum of British Defence policy back into the centre of the spectrum of war , Britain 's disengagement from empire would not have been so successful .
6 One reason why she brought Michael Heseltine in as Secretary of State for Defence is said to be his ability as a public-relations man .
7 As secretary of state for defence you could never have afforded a position like this .
8 On Nov. 3 Michael Heseltine , who had resigned as Secretary of State for Defence in January 1986 over the Westland affair and in particular the anticipated consequences for intra-European co-operation [ see pp. 34192-96 ] , sent an open letter to his Conservative Association chairman containing a severe attack on Thatcher 's policies and style .
9 But he came to the front bench late , as Secretary of State for Employment from 1974 to 1976 , and leader of the House of Commons from 1976 to 1979 .
10 Norman Fowler unexpectedly resigned as Secretary of State for Employment on Jan. 3 and was replaced by Michael Howard , hitherto the ( non-Cabinet ) Minister for Housing and Planning .
11 Patrick Jenkin , for example , is a man who will not be remembered for his contributions to the future of British civilisation as Secretary of State for Industry , Secretary of State for Social Services or Secretary of State for the Environment .
12 When Roy Mason arrived in 1976 to take up his duties as secretary of state for Northern Ireland , the present writer met him as part of a deputation from my political party .
13 This effectively marked the end of William Whitelaw 's service as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and he was succeeded at the beginning of December by Francis Pym .
14 In what will be his final appearance at Question Time as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , will the right hon. Gentleman confirm the facts of the Budget statement ?
15 Churchill , as Secretary of State for War , saw no need to veto a tunnel on military grounds and the Home Ports Defence Committee concluded that it could be defended from attack , albeit at high cost .
16 But there was one other very significant implication of the repatriation policy which Sir James Grigg , as Secretary of State for War with responsibility for the Army , had in mind from an early stage of the discussions .
17 I was about to contact the American lawyer acting for the defendants , Mr William Rogers ( later to become famous as Secretary of State under Nixon ) , when the telephone rang and it was the New York Times enquiring when I was going to meet him .
18 As Secretary of Commerce under Harding and Coolidge he was popular in business circles .
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